
A Message From The 2nd VP – November 2024

Wow where did the year go, fall is upon us and kids are back to school, some playing volleyball, football, softball, and even soccer. The farmers are finishing with harvest season and you deer hunters are chomping at the bit to shoot your 30-point buck. 

Well the FFAM has been busy as well. The committees of the organization have been busy getting their budget request in for next year. Your directors and assistant directors have been traveling their districts, attending your open houses, fundraisers or even your banquets.

This year I attended the annual memorial service in Kingdom City where we honored our LODD and also our Missouri fireman who died over the last year. The weather was perfect with a record crowd on site. When I say record I mean all the chairs were filled and there were people standing. Special thanks to Chairman Smith and the memorial committee and also to Honor Guard Commander Gray for their work in these services.

Annual memorial services in Kingdom City, Missouri.

Later that day I went down the road to Columbia and attended the celebration of life for Fire Chief Bill Westhoff of the Boone County Fire Protection District. Bill was a great mentor to me as he taught me a lot about the fire service, how to be a great instructor and how to treat people as a whole. Thanks to the Westhoff family for this great event and again thanks for the invite.

Westhoff celebration of life.

Later in October, I had the privilege to attend the West Central Fire Protection District Chicken Fundraiser at Sweet Springs Park. They had a great crowd for this fundraiser and again the weather was perfect that day. In typical fireman fashion, they got called out on mutual aid to assist Pettis County fire on a soybean field fire, their citizens got to see firsthand what their volunteers do and can be called out at a moment’s notice. As our state fire marshal always says they were the best “Boots on the ground” and went and helped their neighbors. Thanks to Chief Marc Johnson for the invite, I did not go home hungry.

West Central Fire Protection District Chicken Fundraiser at Sweet Springs Park.

I also had the distinct honor of attending the Mayview Fire Protection District banquet and was asked to say a few words about the FFAM to its members and their citizens. While I was speaking I presented Fire Chief Kris White a certificate of appreciation from the National Volunteer Fire Council for his work in helping with their conference in Kansas City in September. Kris was also presented with an NVFC challenge coin, a KCFD challenge coin and patch, and a copy of Fire Engineering magazine for his work at the conference. Thanks to Chief White’s Wife Jessica for the invite, and I did not go away hungry from this one as well.

Mayview Fire Protection District banquet.

At the end of this month, I traveled to Osage Beach to Revolutionary Fire Tactics at the Lake. This conference asked the FFAM to serve burgers, hot dogs and chips for their attendees on Friday night during the expo. The proceeds for this was going to the museum. That night we took in just over 600.00 for just a couple hours of work. Thanks for the invite David Woodard, the FFAM appreciates this opportunity.

Earlier this summer the FFAM helped with two national conferences that came to Missouri, the first being the National Fire Marshal Conference and the second being the National Volunteer Fire Council fall meeting, both held in Kansas City. I had the privilege to help with both conferences and meet a lot of our national leaders. What a great opportunity for the FFAM to be a part of this and what an honor for Missouri to host both meetings. Thanks to Tim Bean and Keith Smith, I really enjoyed this.

As you can see the FFAM is working for the Missouri Fire Service. If the FFAM can be of any assistance to you or your department please let us know. We would also like to attend your open houses, attend your Christmas parties or any event you feel like you want the FFAM to attend. I can be reached by email at grant_oetting@yahoo.com or my cell phone at 660-229-4525 if I don’t answer please leave me a voice mail.

On behalf of myself, and the board of directors, I want to wish you and your department a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Be safe my brothers and sisters.