

Fire Fighters Memorial Foundation Board

ChairmanKeith Smith314-709-0760keith.smith@warrenton-fire.org
SecretaryStephen McLane573-819-2231smclane@bcfdmo.com
TreasurerMelissa Old573-289-8965mofirefightermemorial@gmail.com
MembersTim Bean417-293-6016tim.bean@dfs.dps.mo.gov
Sherwood Smith816-536-2662sherwoodsmith@iaff42.org
Kenneth Hoover573-581-6235chiefhoover@sbcglobal.net
Gail Hagans573-999-4205hagansg@missouri.edu
Don Wilmesher314-974-5497suedon488@sbcglobal.net
Brian Zinanni314-973-0685bzinanni@gmail.com
Terry Wynne660-359-7166terryw@grm.net
Janet Cain660-646-9090janetmcain@gmail.com
Tracy Gray573-590-1192grayt@missouri.edu
Bill Albus573-473-7300fm1480@att.net
Hariett Vaucher314-541-8701hdvaucher@gmail.com

Fire Fighters Memorial Foundation of Missouri

The Fire Fighters Memorial is located in Kingdom City, Missouri and is dedicated to and honors those who have fallen in the line of duty. There are many who are recognized on the Wall of Honor and this beautiful site shows our gratitude to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. For more information about Line of Duty and Distinguished Service additions to the wall, visit the memorial and musem website..

Visit the Memorial and Museum website