

ChairpersonKen Hoover
Members — Keith Smith

This committee shall consist of the most recent past presidents that are available with the Immediate Past President as the chairman.  They shall, when called upon by the President, place the name or names of active members for nomination to fill open positions or positions due for election on the ballot to be presented at the annual convention.  They will function on an as needed basis for any vacancy within the FFAM and shall operate under the direction of the President and Board of Directors.  The committee shall have a maximum of three members.  If the most recent three past presidents are not available to serve on the committee, the President shall appoint members, at his discretion, to fill any open committee positions.

Open Positions

Officers and Directors shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by majority vote of the duly authorized delegates at an annual convention. Nominations for office must be submitted before the convention by March 1st. Each nominee will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee to insure valid membership of the candidate before submission for election at the annual convention. Upon review, if a candidate is found to be ineligible or not in good standing with the FFAM, that nomination will be void for that year’s election.  All open positions and duly approved candidates shall be posted on the FFAM website no later than March 15th.  In the event no candidate is nominated or in the event that a vacancy occurs in mid-term, it shall fall upon the President to present a name for office to be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.

2024 Nominations

District 4 Director: Joe Vaughn

District 5 Director: Terry Plumb

District 9 Director: Kurt Wilbanks

District 10 Director: Greg Brown