It came and went, our 2024 Missouri State Fair. I have enjoyed getting the opportunity to attend the fair for the last seven years and watch the State Fair Volunteer Fire Department operate. “Thank you,” to everyone who came and committed your time, skills, and professionalism to make sure the property, livestock, equipment, and every man, woman, and child had a safe and awesome experience. I am humbled to be associated with each of you! And the meals were amazing each day, thank you to the cooks!
School bells have rung across the state in August. In my mind a bell went off that fall is on its way, along with Fire Prevention Week October 6-12, 2024. This year’s theme is “Smoke Alarms: Make them work for you”.
This is recent data from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). We still have some work to do! I feel this is a great Community Risk Reduction (CRR) opportunity for each fire department, big or small. Early detection and warning will save lives. I read and heard that our homes are burning faster and hotter. The time to escape a home fire environment due to the construction and contents of new homes is 2 to 3 minutes.

We have the tool in our prevention toolboxes to help save our neighbors, friends, and families. Our friends at the American Red Cross will assist you with getting free smoke alarms for your community, and help you install them if needed. Contact: he will assist you or point you to your area’s Red Cross representative. We can make a difference in Missouri!
I’d like to remind you of our Missouri 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb. Please come join us on October 5th, to honor and remember those who sacrificed it all on that fateful day. The money raised will go to Supporting Heroes, which goes to support our families after a Line of Duty Death. You can register at
In closing, if you are a Volunteer Fire Department Association in our state, we have a Volunteer Fire Protection Association worker’s compensation Insurance grant for you. Please follow this link, it will give you all of the information you would need to apply: If you have any questions, please reach out to Statewide Mutual Aid, (573) 751-1601.
Thank you each for all you do across the Missouri Fire Service. Continue being the “Best boots on the ground!” and leaving things better than you found them.