Greetings FFAM Membership. Spring has arrived! Everyone is busy this time of year with graduations, taking care of our yards, and started planning vacations as COVID restrictions are now being relaxed. The FFAM has been busy representing the Missouri fire service across our great state by attending banquets of our members, promoting the organization at various events, and assisting departments with training thru MU Fire and Rescue Training Institute (MU FRTI).
On March 11th, I attended the virtual pinning ceremony of the Warrensburg Fire Department. The ceremony gave cadets and current personnel their badges either thru starting as a probie or being promoted thru the ranks of the department. Thanks go to Training Officer Matt Soer for sending me the link to attend this very special ceremony. I am glad I could be a part of this special event and appreciate the invitation.

Nine days later, I was invited to the Carrollton Fire Department annual ham and bean dinner. This event is a fundraiser for the department to raise money for life-saving equipment that the department might use shortly. Also in attendance was Assistant Director Billy Smith. This invite was very special to me as this was the department where “Mr. FFAM” Joe Jackson was from. Thanks to Chief Lonnie Sensenich for the invite, Assistant Director Smith and I appreciate it.
Central Jackson County Fire Protection (CJCFPD) has been a very busy department in the last couple of months. The department has purchased several new apparatus, including a new pumper and a new aerial device. Pictures are included. The department also saw the retirement of Jerry Witt. Jerry served CJCFPD for 32 yrs. I had the privilege of working with Jerry for a couple of years at CJCFPD. Jerry always had a smile on his face and was willing to go the extra mile for anyone. Jerry enjoy your retirement and as your brothers and sisters always say, the coffee is always on.

On May 16th, my travel will take me to the Missouri Public Safety Communications at the Lake of the Ozarks. At this conference I will be promoting the FFAM, to get more dispatch centers into our membership. I am also glad to tell the membership that we have our first dispatch center that has become a member. Congratulations to Monroe County 911 for becoming members and giving your members the benefits that they deserve. Thanks to Director Cory Putnum and Dispatcher Cy Fields for contacting me to become members. The FFAM appreciates your membership.
The Eighty-Ninth Annual Summer Fire School is right around the corner in May. The FFAM will have a booth at this conference as well. This is going to be a very unique experience as this Equipment Exposition is usually held during Winter Fire School. If you’re in Columbia for classes, please come by the booth and say hello. There might be something for you to purchase that everyone might want for their collections. You will have to attend to see what the item is.
On July 16th, the FFAM will travel back to the Lake of the Ozarks for the Revolutionary Fire Tactics conference at Osage Beach. We will be at the conference promoting again and recruiting potential members. The FFAM is also the coffee sponsor for this conference. Thank You to David Woodard for the partnership into this conference, we greatly appreciate it.
In the first part of August, the FFAM will be traveling to St Charles to be a part of the Missouri EMS conference. This conference will be held at the Embassy suites. We will again be promoting the organization and we will also be presenters. Director Greg Wright and I will be presenting about LODD benefits for EMS personnel. If you have the chance to come by the conference please stop by and say hello.
The Missouri State Fair is going to be held August 12-22. This event is the biggest promotional for our organization. The people at the fair get to see what our organization is all about and what it has to offer. They get to see apparatus from all over the state, and how firefighters train daily, and what the Missouri Fire Service is all about. If you’re interested in attending this event, applications are available in this magazine. The applications are due June 1st and all positions are available.
September is shaping up to be a busy month as well. The FFAM is looking at attending the Fire Marshall 911 day at the Capitol and also the Jefferson Engine Rally. The FFAM is hoping to have the 1929 pumper in these parades to promote the organization.
In October there will be the Annual Memorial Service in Kingdom City. The memorial committee has been busy planning this service around the clock so that we remember our members that have passed away due to natural causes, but also who have given the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. Please try to attend this special event as a lot of time and effort into this event.
As you can see the organization is very busy and continues to promote the Missouri fire service. If you would like the FFAM to attend your event, please contact me or the office and we will work with your director or assistant director to attend your event. As always we are here to serve you. I can be contacted at or 660-229-4525. Until next time, stay safe my brothers and sisters.