
Auxiliary Meeting Minutes – March 2023

Sunday, February 12, 2023 Sedalia, Missouri

The meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Diane Wynne at 9:01 am.

Diane Wynne, Galt FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Joni Fields, Paris Rural Fire District; Carissa Thompson, Holts Summit FD; Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; Debbie Meyers, Concordia FD; Rosanna Jorgenson, South Holt Fire.

Diane asked for approval of the December 2022 minutes. Carissa made a motion to accept the report as read, seconded by Missy. Motion passed.

Financial Report
Theresa gave the financial report for December 2022 and January 2023. Joni made a motion to accept the report as given then a second from Sheri, motion passed.


Sheri reported we have 61 paid members and 9 honorary members, plus more received today. Sheri informed the group she emailed the various departments about renewing their membership. She also wrote an article for the FFAM magazine as a reminder about dues. She also requested for a contact person to be noted when submitting your dues. If you could also indicate how many years each person has been an FFAM member or the year they started? Carissa suggested the executive board members use the auxiliary g-mail account when sending emails (auxiliaryffam@gmail.com) to help identify who the email is coming from.

Auxiliary Member of the Year
Nominations are needed for Auxiliary / Member of the Year. If you have someone(s) or an Auxiliary you would like to nominate please send it to Missy Erdel at merdel@ktis.net, Sheila Nichols at shelianichols@yahoo.com or Diane Wynne at vetdiane@gmail.com. Nominations are needed before the June Convention.

Poster Contest
Get your posters ready for this year’s Convention. Please review the poster contest guidelines. Reminder posters that do meet these guidelines will be disqualified, such as the size of the poster, etc… The poster Guidelines can be found on the FFAM website under “Committees” and then “Fire Prevention”. The posters will be dropped off at the Auxiliary Booth this year.

This year is in Springfield Missouri at the Oasis Hotel & Convention Center June 2-4. This a reminder to go to the FFAM website to register for convention and banquet tickets. Discussed which table centerpieces we will use this year. Discussed we will finish putting them together on Thursday evening before the convention. Charlie Peel joined our meeting and encouraged us to make our reservation for the convention and banquet as soon as possible. He is also suggesting each department find sponsorship for the convention.

Sheri reported some new equipment was purchased.

An audit will be conducted at the April meeting.

Carissa reported she has PayPal up and running for us. Let everyone know we now take PayPal as a form of payment for this like dues, payment for items won at the silent auction at the convention, etc. We still take cash and checks as forms of payment.

New Business
Carissa showed us the Auxiliary flag which was donated by member Lachrissa Smith from North Central Carroll FPD. We want to thank her for the flag her donation is greatly appreciated.

We received a beautiful new fire helmet from an anonymous donation to use for our silent auction. We determined we will raffle off the helmet at this year’s fire convention. The Auxiliary members would like to thank the donor for this wonderful gift. It was decided to not have a booze or 50/50 raffle this year.

Discussed we will have door prizes at Sunday’s Auxiliary meeting. So we encourage everyone to join us to see if you might win a door prize. All are welcome, this will give you some time to get to know other members and learn more about the FFAM.

Carissa made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Joni, motion passed, meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox, Secretary / Treasurer