
Auxiliary Meeting Minutes – January 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Jessica Weisz at 10:01 a.m.

Jessica Weisz, Norborne Fire; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Joni Fields, Paris Rural FPD; Carissa Thompson, Holt Summit FD; Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; Lachrissa Smith, North Central Carroll FPD; (via Zoom) Diane Wynne, Galt FP.

Financial Report
Theresa gave the financial report for the October and December Meetings. Missy made a motion to accept the financial reports as read and seconded by Sheri. Motion passed.

Old Business
Opened the discussion of how we could increase our membership. We discussed the auxiliary raising our current dues so benefits would be available to members. It was mentioned every department has a different method for paying the dues right now. Such as volunteers do not get paid and are not entitled to benefits, some departments are paying for the auxiliary dues whereas other departments have the individual auxiliary member pay their own dues, and some departments do not have auxiliary so the members again pay their own dues. Research needs to be done on how we could ensure we work within all of the different departments’ guidelines and the benefit requirements to make a decision on raising the auxiliary dues to get benefits for our members.

Further ideas to attract members were to have an activity or go somewhere during the meetings. An activity could be having a guest speaker, or having a craft planned. It was also suggested when we get a new member(s) or auxiliary, one of the current board members will reach out to them within the first 3 months of joining.

It was mentioned that our bylaws dictate we are here to support the State FFAM. For now, this topic is tabled.

Sheri is asking each auxiliary to identify a contact person(s). This person(s) will provide a current email address and phone number. This will aid us in the ability to maintain communication with each auxiliary as needed.

New Business
Tim Bean our state fire marshal joined our meeting. He is celebrating his 6th year as a fire marshal and shared his historical moments.

Legislators will start this Friday for new bills being filled; one issue being looked at is Mental Health. The federal government is looking at paying benefits for mental health-related deaths. The stigma of mental health issues needs to change. Tim invited everyone to the State Capital on April 12th of 2023 to celebrate Fire Fighters Day.

We were given an update from Grant Oetting, 2nd Vice President; the bi-monthly meetings will now begin at 9:00 a.m. starting at our next meeting in February 2023.

Convention will be June 2-4, 2023 in Springfield at the Oasis Hotel. Jessica reminded everyone to book their rooms now.

We are currently using Zoom for members to attend the bi-monthly meetings now. Our Zoom renewal is coming up. Discussed how much zoom currently costs; is it worth continuing? Theresa made a motion to end our Zoom contract, seconded by Joni, motion passed. Joni stated we need to look into other virtual meeting avenues.

Joni invited everyone to her FFA Chapter open house this weekend.

Jessica reminded Theresa to bring the checkbook to the February meeting so it can be audited.

She also stated we will be having arts and crafts day at this meeting to work on the centerpieces for the convention. Ideas are needed.

Lachrissa made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Joni, meeting adjourned at 11:24 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Theresa Cox, Secretary / Treasurer