April 2, 2023 Sedalia, Missouri
The meeting was called to order at 9:04 am by President Jessica Weisz.
Jessica Weisz, Norborne FPD; Diane Wynne, Galt FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Joni Fields, Paris RFPD; Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; Reta Smiley, Galt FPD.
Jessica asked if everyone read through the minutes from the last meeting. Diane made a motion to accept the minutes as posted, Second by Sheri, the motion passed.
Theresa gave the financial report. Joni made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Missy, motion passed. When an officer uses our PayPal account they must notify the Treasurer about the usage and give a receipt for said transaction. The Treasurer must check the PayPal account each month or transaction.
Committee Reports
Sheri reported as of today we have 97 paid and 9 Honorary for a total of 106 members. Sheri will reach out to Jessica White from Mayview FPD about their membership.
Auxiliary of the Year
Sheri will email the Auxiliary committee members the membership list to enable them to contact them.
Poster Contest
All posters for the contest need to be given to the FFAM Auxiliary, at the Silent Auction table, BEFORE noon on Saturday. Andrew Caldwell will pick them up from us. Please review the guidelines for the poster contest. The guidelines can be found on the FFAM website.
The committee has purchased some needed equipment. Teams need to notify Gary Berendzen at (gberendzen@ccfpd.net) from Cole County FPD if they are participating in the games this year as soon as possible.
The financial books were audited today by Diane Wynne and Reta Smiley. The books were in order.
Reminder to get your registration and room reservations completed as soon as possible. On Thursday evening the auxiliary members will be sprucing up the centerpieces for the banquet. Any help is welcomed. Charlie Peel will get us a count of tables for the banquet. Lachrissa Smith from Carrollton FPD offered us some centerpieces to use in the future. Thank you, Lachrissa for your kind offer. We have four tables reserved for the Silent Auction. We still need to find out the color of the banquet tablecloths.
Theresa reported the flowers on the Maltese Cross vase have been updated. Theresa will get the door prizes for Sunday’s Auxiliary Meeting. The Auxiliary will have coloring pages and crayons on the banquet tables. The silent auction will end at noon on Saturday. So please stop by our table and bid often. We can accept Cash, Checks, and PayPal as payment for items won.
New Business
Tim Bean, State Fire Marshal stopped at our meeting. He spoke about using some of the surplus monies receive to go for training. He invited everyone to attend Fire Fighter Day at the Capitol on Wednesday, April 12, 2023. The Fire Science Students from the high schools were invited as guests for this event. The event starts at 11:00 am.
Charlie Peel requested the Auxiliary to assist the FFAM at the “Revolution Fire Event”, Thursday and Friday, July 27 & 28 to cook and serve food. Any volunteers please let Charlie know when you can be there.
Diane made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Sheri. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox, Secretary/Treasurer