
Help Us Grow

Hello and greetings from District 7. I hope all has been well. It has been a while since I have had an article in the magazine and I hope it will continue. District 7 may be changing soon and with change comes responsibility, dedication, pride and ownership.

It seems like leaders are always lamenting the lack of cooperation and collaboration in their organizations. But more often than not, the culprit isn’t their member’s unwillingness to give others a hand — it’s the fact that most people simply don’t, or won’t, ask for help.

Why? First, asking for help is often perceived as a sign of weakness or ignorance, implying that someone can’t get their work done on their own. A second common barrier is a nervousness about incurring social debts or obligations — ”What do I owe this person now?”

Third, and for American workers in particular, personal values can get in the way. In today’s organizations, you can’t be successful if you don’t ask for what you need.

So you may be thinking what is he talking about? It is simple…this fine organization is run by the members but not all fire, E.M.S., and dispatch organizations are members of the F.F.A.M. so we need to get out and spread the word on the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri and get your mutual aid departments and districts to join. 

As I mentioned, District 7 may be changing so with that change Andrew and I will need help to spread the word. Any department member that is in the Dent, St Francis or Perry Counties please contact me at district7ffam@gmail.com. Each and everyone is a team player and together everyone achieves more (TEAM). Have a safe great spring.