Meeting called to order by President Diane Hanes at 9:00 a.m.
Members Present
Diane Wynne, Galt FPD; Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe; Chris Turner (formerly Slaughter), Warrenton FPD; Joyce Thompson, Kearney Fire; Joni Fields, Paris Rural FPD; Brenda Wright, Shelbina FPD; Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; Kay Asher, Wentzville FPD; Michelle Sims, West Plains FPD.
Diane Wynne asked if there were any changes or comments for the August 4, 2019, meeting minutes. Theresa Cox made a motion to accept the meeting notes as written, seconded by Jessica Miller, motion passed.
Financial report
Sheri Berendzen read the report with a total of $7,117.37 in our account at the closing of the August meeting. There was no deposit and one expense for sponsorship of a floor for the NFFF stair climb, with a new balance of $6,867.37. Chris Turner made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Missy Erdel, motion passed.
Committee Reports
Theresa Cox reported there 123 members and 11 honorary members, this has not changed since last report. Theresa said that dues for 2020 will be due at December 31.
Auxiliary Member or Auxiliary of the year
Jessica Miller said at this time there are no nominations. Said that nominations can be submitted to Diane Wynne, Shelia Nichols or herself.
Poster contest
No news.
Joyce Thompson said at this time there was no new news to report. There will be no alcohol allowed at the contest or banquet which is being held at the high school. Reminder convention will be May 1-3, 2020.
There was no news to report about the contest.
Chris Turner is working on having pictures and historian info caught up before she moves.
Old Business
Sheri Berendzen reported on board name badges and she had some samples and cost for the badges for members to view. It was decided to go ahead and purchase the new name badges for the 6 auxiliary board members. Jessica Miller made a motion to purchase the name badges and was seconded by Theresa Cox, motion passed.
Jessica Miller talked about the cost of ordering black table clothes to be used at conventions and such events. It will have FFAM auxiliary embroidery on it. It will be thru the same vendor so it will resemble what the FFAM has. Joni Fields made a motion to purchase 2 tablecloths and was seconded by Theresa Cox, motion passed.
Ann Jones read the proposed changes to the new by-laws. As the by-laws were read it was discovered that there were two typos. The by-laws need to be read again at the December meeting. The by-laws were published in the newsletter and need to be posted on the web page for all to view.
New Business
Diane Wynne talked about contributing funds to the Phil Sayer Scholarship. It was discussed on how much to donate each year. Joni Fields motion to donate $415 this year and if needed the executive committee has the authority to approve more was seconded by Jessica, motion passed. Theresa Cox and Joni Fields were appointed to a review committee that will assist the MU FRTI on reviewing scholarship applications.
Diane Wynne talked about at the 2020 convention and new board members will be voted in at that time. Diane asked all to think about if they would like to serve on the board.
Sheri Berendzen made a motion to adjourn meeting and second by Chris Turner. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Next meeting is to held December 1, 2019.
Respectfully Submitted;
Sheri Berendzen
Cole County FPD
FFAM Auxiliary Secretary Treasurer 2018-2019