
Auxiliary By-Law Changes

The following are the proposed changes to the FFAM Auxiliary ByLaws.


The name of this organization shall be the Auxiliary to the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri, hereinafter referred to as the Auxiliary.


• To promote firefighting safety 

• To promote fire prevention education 

• To give fire and emergency assistance 

• To create and maintain a fellowship among members of the Auxiliary 


Membership shall consist of spouse, spouse of retiree, parents of the member, children of members and/or be sponsored by a firefighter from their local department who is in good standing with the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri 

Honorary Members: Widows or widowers, who were active members of the Auxiliary at the time of their spouse’s death, shall be given life membership with all privileges of members. Children of fire fighters, who have passed away, may remain active members of the Auxiliary, and will continue to pay yearly dues. 

Membership Dues: Dues shall be five dollars per year, payable January 1 before the convention. The dues will be remitted to the Second Vice President. 


The Officers of this Auxiliary shall consist of a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-president, Secretary-Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms, and Historian. They shall be elected by nomination and majority vote of the authorized delegates at the annual convention on even years. All officers shall be elected for a term of two years at the same time. 



• Each department shall have 1 voting delegate per regular business meeting, and a majority vote rules. 

• Each department may have 2 convention delegates which are active paid members of the FFAM Auxiliary. 

• If there is only 1 qualified auxiliary member from your department that person shall serve as a delegate with only one vote.

• Delegates must be present at the convention to vote.


The nominees shall consent to serve before their names are placed on the ballot, and they shall be in attendance at the convention.

A simple majority of delegates votes is required for election. 

Officers shall be elected for a two-year period. No officer may serve more than two, two year terms consecutively in any one office, and shall attend all board meetings.

All officers, not including past presidents, are required to attend a minimum of three regular bimonthly business meetings. The Annual FFAM Conventions are required in addition to the three bimonthly meetings. If unable to attend any meeting, notification must be given to a current Auxiliary officer. If the requirements are not met, after your second absence of the bimonthly meetings a letter will be sent requesting your intent. After your third absence, a final letter will be sent and your office position will be filled by another Auxiliary Member appointed by the Executive Board for the completion of your term. 

Officers’ terms shall begin at the close of the annual convention. 


The Executive Board shall consist of all the Auxiliary Officers and the immediate Past President and shall have such powers as voted by the Auxiliary.

President: It shall be the duty of the President to: 

a) Preside at all meetings of the Auxiliary and all meetings of the Executive Board 

b) Appoint all committees and shall be voting, ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. 

c) Have the power to call special meetings of a committee, and to call special meeting of this organization.

First Vice-President: It shall be the duties of the First Vice-President to: 

a) Perform all duties and assume all responsibilities of the President during the absence of the President 

b) Work with the Convention Committee in the host town at the annual convention and be responsible for all convention items

c) Shall assume the chairperson of the audit committee. This duty will be performed and completed before the Annual Convention. 

Second Vice-President: It shall be the duties of the Second Vice-President to: 

a) Perform all duties and assume all responsibilities of the President during the absence of the First Vice-President and President. 

b) Be the membership chairperson and shall make every effort to increase the membership of the Auxiliary 

c) Keep an up-to-dated roster of the Auxiliary membership and provide all officers and past 3 presidents with this list. 

Secretary-Treasurer: It shall be the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer to: 

a) Keep an accurate record of all of the auxiliary meetings. A copy of all minutes shall be provided to the President and all Board members prior to the submission to the media

b) Be responsible for bringing recorder and have available the prior recorded meeting minutes. 

c) Conduct the correspondence of the Auxiliary 

Be custodian of all funds of the Auxiliary, receiving and disbursing funds upon the authorization of the Auxiliary. The books shall be in order at all times. For the audit the following shall be provided: a detailed list of expenditures, deposits, balanced bank statements and the checkbook

e) The checking account will now be required to have two signatures on the signature card the bank holds for verification of funds deposited/disbursed.

Historian: It shall be the duty of the Historian to: 

a) Shall attend meetings/conventions and maintain the history data of the Auxiliary

b) Keep an updated list of officers past and present, convention sites, and Auxiliary Member of the Year.

Sergeant at Arms: It shall be the duty of the Sergeant at Arms to: 

a) Aid the President by preserving order 

b) Notify delegates of voting procedure 

c) Distribute and count election ballots 

d) Certify votes, if necessary 

e) Review the bylaws for updating and presenting those changes at the annual convention

f) Shall will read Roll Call of Auxiliary Membership Departments during convention between the reading of the minutes and the treasurer’s report. 


Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of the immediate past three presidents. This committee will be responsible for submitting a slate of officers for the election at the convention. 

Auditing Committee: Auditing Committee’s responsibilities shall be to audit the financial record keeping and report this audit at the convention. This audit shall take place before the annual convention. The committee will consist of the 1st Vice-President and a member as appointed by the President. 

Auxiliary Member/Department of the Year Committee: The committee shall consist of the past three winners from the previous years. Their duties shall consist of presenting the nomination story and to obtain and present the plaque.


By-laws may be amended at any regular business meeting of the auxiliary by a 2/3rd majority vote of the delegates. The amendment shall be submitted to the Auxiliary, read at the meeting, and voted on at the next regular meeting. The decision was made by the Board that the meaning of the Regular Business meeting should be referring to those Meetings that occur every other month. Furthermore, an account of changes and additions to the by-laws shall be given at the annual convention. 


Standing Rules (use Robert’s Rules of Order)

1. Order of Business 

Call to order 

Presentation of colors with the Pledge of Alliance

Notify delegates of responsibilities

Financial Report 

Reports of standing committees 

Report of chartered and long-standing members 

Report of special committees 

Unfinished business 

New business 

Retiring of colors 


2. Four members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum to transact business 

3. The time of the Auxiliary meetings shall coincide with the meeting of the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri. 

4. When a motion is presented on the floor, the member should stand and state their full name and department represented.

5. Auxiliary fund-raising activities shall be determined by the auxiliary.

6. The fiscal year shall run from January 1 to December 31, with the audit before the annual convention and presented at the convention.

7. The Executive Board shall have the power to spend funds for special projects not exceeding $500.00 providing the funds are available. 

8. Executive Board meetings are the only meeting where only Executive Board member may vote.

9. Due to new Federal Banking Laws, the decision was made to have two signers on the signature card at the Bank in which the current association’s non-profit checking accounts is located. This ensures those monies will be secured back to this association in the event anything happens to the Officer who is currently holding the Secretary/Treasurer position. Please note that it was also decided that the officer living closest to the current Secretary/Treasurer, not including Past Presidents, will be responsible for signatures upon the election of new officers.