April 29, Convention Meeting
Meeting called to order by President Chris Slaughter at 5:01 p.m.
Introduction of Officers
President Christina Slaughter, Warrenton FPD; 1st Vice President Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; 2nd Vise President Susan Voss, Beaufort-Leslie FPD; Secretary/Treasurer Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Historian Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Sergeant at Arms Jessica Mille, Norborne FPD.
Old Business
Roll call was completed by Jessica Miller resulting in nine departments, thirteen members and one guest present.
Theresa Cox reported as of 4-29-2016 the Auxiliary has $2,540.60. The 2015 financial records are available at the front head table for viewing. Angela Fields, Paris FD made a motion to accept the Treasurers’ Report, seconded by Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD. All in favor (delegates only), no abstentions, motion passed.
Committee Reports
Diane Hanes from Galt has received many posters so far and needs all posters by 7:00 p.m. today. She has a team who will judge then tonight. Jessica Miller, Norborne volunteered to assist in the judging. Her department had no entries to ensure unbiased judging.
The nominating committee is the past three Presidents; Janet Smith from Cole County FPD, Sheila Arnold from Central Jackson Co FPD, and Kim Voss from Beaufort-Leslie FPD. Janet announced the following slate of officers as their nominations for the 2016-2017 term.
President Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; 1st Vise President Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD; Secretary/Treasurer Sheri Berendzen, Cole Co FPD; Historian Christina Slaughter, Warrenton FPD; Sergeant at Arms Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FD
Chris asked if there were any nominations from the floor? No nominations were made. Jessica Miller made a motion that nominations cease and the nominations from the nomination committee stand. Sheri Berendzen seconded the motion. All in favor (delegates only), no abstentions, motion passed.
New Business
Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe, asked the FFAM Auxiliary to consider being the Host Auxiliary for the upcoming 2017 Convention in Sedalia. Topic was tabled till Sundays business meeting.
Door Prizes were drawn, winners were Sylvia from Galt, Angela from Paris and Joni from Paris
Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FP made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Diane Hanes, Galt. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 5:18 p.m.
May 1, Business Meeting
Posting of the Colors completed by Jessica Miller and Susan Voss.
Meeting called to order by President Chris Slaughter at 9:01 a.m.
Invocation read by Sheri Berendzen, “Baby I’m Home”.
Introduction of Officers
President Christina Slaughter, Warrenton FPD; 1st Vice President Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; 2nd Vise President Susan Voss, Beaufort-Leslie FPD; Secretary/Treasurer Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Historian Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Sergeant at Arms Jessica Mille, Norborne FPD.
Past Presidents in Attendance
Joan Hahne Washington FPD 1983-1986; Janet Smith Cole County FPD 2004-2008; Kim Voss Beaufort-Leslie FPD 2008-2012
Grant Oetting announced the 2017 FFAM Convention will be held in Sedalia on April 21-23, 2017. All Sedalia hotels have been reserved for FFAM members so make your reservations early. The fair camp grounds will be available, no reservations needed.
Roll call was completed by Jessica Miller, fifteen departments and forty-six members in attendance.
Old Business
Theresa Cox read the 2015 Sunday May 3, Business Meeting notes. Janet Smith made a motion to accept the meeting notes and seconded by Brenda Carrell, Division of Fire Safety. All in favor (delegates only), no abstentions, motion passed.
Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe, asked the FFAM Auxiliary to consider being the Host Auxiliary for the upcoming 2017 Convention in Sedalia. She reviewed the responsibilities of being the host auxiliary. She explained if the Auxiliary was the host, it would save the State Fair Department the cost of being the host, which they could use the monies on other needed things. Angela Fields, Paris FD made a motion for the FFAM Auxiliary to be the Host Auxiliary for the 2017 Convention, seconded by Ann Jones. All in favor (delegates only), no abstentions, motion passed.
Theresa Cox reported our beginning balance on February 1, 2015 was $2,331.21. As of April 29, 2016 the Auxiliary has $2,540.60. The 2015 financial records are available at the front head table for viewing. Jessica Miller made a motion to accept the Treasurer report, seconded by Sheri Berendzen. All in favor (delegates only), no abstentions, motion passed.
Theresa Cox handed out copies of the very first Auxiliary meeting notes dated September 16, 1956. This makes the Auxiliary 60 years old in September. As she was scanning the old documents she discovered years ago everyone addressed each other as Mrs. and Ms., everyone dressed in Sunday best for meetings, fun activities were hat shows, skits put on by the officers and more. The majority of the departments were from St. Louis when they were volunteer departments.
Committee Reports:
Susan Voss reported we have 23 departments, 117 members and 16 honorary members. Susan also read a letter addressed to the auxiliary from Shelia Arnold, Central Jackson Co. FPD
Sheri had the slide show going Friday at the Exhibitors Hall. The slide show was for years 2013-2015. She made a requests for pictures, and asked they include names, dates and location where taken. Brenda Carrell stated she had some pictures for her.
The nominating committee is the past three Presidents; Janet Smith from Cole County FPD, Sheila Arnold from Central Jackson Co FPD, and Kim Voss from Beaufort-Leslie FPD. Janet announced the following slate of officers as their nominations for the 2016-2017 term.
President Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; 1st Vise President Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD; Secretary/Treasurer Sheri Berendzen, Cole Co FPD; Historian Christina Slaughter, Warrenton FPD; Sergeant at Arms Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FD
Diane Hanes announced they received sixty-four posters, a few were disqualified again this year due to sizes or information. Six individuals completed the judging. Winners were announced at the banquet last night. There were some great posters again this year.
Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD reported the contest went very smoothly this year. Everyone had a lot of fun. If anyone has any suggestions, ideas or know of new games please contact Rob or Missy Erdel.
The Financial records were audited by Jessica Miller and Diane Hanes on January 31, 2016 and found to be in order.
Auxiliary Member of the Year
Winner was Christina Lloyd of Little Dixie FPD. She was recognized at the banquet on Saturday night. Congratulations Christina. Reminder the deadline for nominations are January 1st of 2017. Please recognize someone or an auxiliary which is deserving of this great award.
Fund raising
This year we made $1,574.51 from the silent auction and items for sale. Thank you to all who donated items for the silent auction and to those who dug deep to bid on those items. Theresa made a funny comment that someone bid 1 cent over the last bid, we need to watch them guys, cheapos need to bid by whole dollars. Helen laughed, calling out her husband. Bidding was fun again this year. Thank you to everyone who helped man the fund raising booth. It could not be done by one individual it takes everyone who helped. The auxiliary will determine at one of their board meetings who we will receive donation(s). It was suggested we look into selling pretty lanyards for convention name badges next year.
Memorial Services
Candlelight Service will be Saturday May 14, 9:00 p.m. Sunday morning service is May 15, 10:30 a.m. Both in Kingdom City.
New Business
Susan Voss, Beaufort-Leslie made a motion to accept the nominated officers for the 2016-2017 term, seconded by Missy Erdle, Little Dixie. All in favor (delegates only), no abstentions, motion passed.
Brenda Wright announced October 22, 2016 will be the 1st Public Safety Conference held at the Lodge of the Four Seasons. The purpose is to honor the Fallen Fire Fighters, EMS and Police Officers. This will be the first time all three services will come together to honor the Fallen. If you need more information you can contact George or Brenda Wright from Shelbina FPD.
Past President Kim Voss conducted the Installation Ceremony of the New 2016-2017 Officers. Kim swore in each officer by reading their new job Duties. New officers received their name badges from the out going officer. Old officers received a silver charm with the date and position they held.
President Chris Slaughter presented her letter of Accomplishments for her two terms as presidents.
Jessica Miller and Susan Voss retired the Colors.
Diane made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Janet Smith. All in favor (delegates only), no abstentions, motion passed.
Meeting adorned at 10:10 a.m.
Door Prizes were awarded to Brenda Carrell, Amanda Smith, and Dee Lynn Braun.
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD
Secretary/Treasurer 2014-2015