As your president for the past two terms, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank each of you for allowing me to serve. It has been a very busy four years and I believe we have grown as an organization to keep up with the ever-demanding changes with how organizations manage documents and communications via the internet, social media, etc. We’ve also formed a few committees to help spearhead several events that needed better management overall.
Here are just a few highlights:
- We bought a NEAT scanner and it shall remain in the possession of the Secretary-Treasurer for the sole responsibility of keeping all financial balance sheets, and meeting minutes preserved and in order.
- Another plan of action we took to lessen the burden of keeping hard copies on hand, was allow each officer to purchase a zip drive to maintain their information. External hard drives were purchased for the historian and secretary/treasurer’s to maintain their information (documents and correspondence), as well.
- Revamped our fund raising abilities by adding a fund raising committee whose sole purpose is to purchase fire/emergency services related merchandise, inventory items, creating price lists, and general managing of all items associated with fund raising duties.
- Formed the Memorial Services Committee to assist in purchasing the fabric to make ribbons each year to hand out with flyers at the Candlelight and Memorial Services Ceremony in Kingdom City annually every May.
- Auxiliary flyer was created by a few auxiliary members for the purpose of sending to those departments in the surrounding communities to get more members involvement. These flyers were also handed out at convention and fire schools and the 50 Year State Fair Event.
- A projector was purchased (donated by Roberta Sayer) to preserve and display our pictures at appropriate events, including conventions, each year. This helps with the ease of transporting the historian books, too.
- Lists were made and distributed to all members for the following: FFAM auxiliary officers (names, years, and positions held), past presidents, long-standing members (by years), honorary members, and the FFAM auxiliary roster that the second vice president updates every year for dues.
- We have recently (within the last 3 years) been sitting at the Winter Fire School booth alongside the FFAM membership team to sell angel pins, and other merchandise we have for sale, making the Auxiliary more visible.
- We’ve streamlined and assisted RB Brown and his team on the poster contest to organize those auxiliary departments each year to help judge the posters. This seems to be working out well.
- Bylaws and meeting minutes are now on the auxiliary portal of to keep members informed on current business, etc.
- The auxiliary have made donations to the NFFF (National Fire Fighters Foundation) and to the Memorial in Kingdom City.
In closing, it has been nothing short of a blast! I enjoyed every minute. I wish this organization well and will continue to support the FFAM Auxiliary in the years to come.