Soon we will all be getting ready for the 2024 Convention. This year it will be held in Lake of the Ozark on May 17th – 19th, at the wonderful Lodge of the Four Seasons.
The FFAM Auxiliary is having the Silent Auction again this year. Our Auction is only as good as the donations we receive from individuals or a department.
If this is your first convention and have not experienced donating or participating in our silent auction you are in for a treat. Donations range from baskets to items made and everything in between. To give you ideas, last year a department made up a basket with a huge array of art supplies. We have had individuals make corn-hole games, tables, scratcher ticket trees, quilts, etc, which are highly enjoyed by the bidders. The items can be fire-related or not. All Silent Auction items can be dropped off on Friday night May 17th, at the Auxiliary booth. So start thinking about what you or your department might want to donate to the silent auction.
The monies raised by everyone’s gracious bidding will later be decided on how we will support our firefighters, the FFAM, great causes, etc. If you have a very large item that will need to be displayed properly let me or one of the Auxiliary Board members know so we can plan accordingly ( you will find us on the FFAM Website, Auxiliary officers).
Now all you have to do is have fun being creative with a donation and/or start bidding when you attend the convention in May. I am looking forward to seeing you at the convention.