The meeting was called to order by President, Jessica Weise at 9:01 am.
Members Present
Jessica Weise, Norborne FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Joni Fields, Paris RFPD; Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; Debbie Meyers, Concordia FPD.
Jessica asked if everyone had the chance to review the December meeting minutes and if there were any additions, deletions or corrections to be made. Theresa made a motion to accept the minutes as they were; a second was made by Sheri. Motion passed.
Financial Report
Theresa Cox reported the Auxiliary made over $382 at Winter Fire School and thanked everyone who supported us at the event. With this new income, our ending balance is $6,488.58. Joni made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Missy, Motion passed. Missy and Sheri volunteered to audit the financial books after the meeting. They found the financials were in order.
Sheri stated Gary Berendzen was going to relinquish his position today as chairperson of the contest. She did not have anything else to report.
Convention is May 17-19, at the Lodge of the Four Seasons in Lake Ozark, Missouri. In reviewing the Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, we need to clarify with Andrew Caldwell when the posters will be due. Including who will be collecting, where posters can be dropped, and the exact dates of collecting. Look for more information to come out about Convention registration and hotel arrangements.
The Auxiliary is asking for donations for Silent Auction items. If a person(s) or department would like to donate something; items will be accepted Friday, May 17th at the Auxiliary booth. The Auxiliary will have a few items for sale, a booze raffle, and a 50/50 drawing this year.
Memorial Services
Save the dates of Saturday, October 5th for the Candlelight Service and Sunday, October 6th for the Memorial Service.
New Business
Joni presented the By-Law change as:
Proposed Change
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of 3 Auxiliary members appointed by the president and when possible should include up to 3 past presidents. of the immediate past three presidents. This committee will be responsible for submitting a slate of officers for the election at the convention.
Joni made a motion we accept the by-law change as presented, the motion was seconded by Sheri, motion passed.
Jessica announced she asked Theresa to be on this year’s Nominating Committee, to which she replied yes. This committee will be Diane Wynn, Kim Voss and Theresa Cox.
The 2024 Missouri Fire Service Charity BBQ Smoke-Out will be on Saturday, October 14th at Kingdom City at the Memorial Site. The committee has reported they have a band scheduled for the event.
Applications are available for this year’s fair.
Reminded everyone our next Board meeting will be held in Kingdom City on April 7th, at 9:00 am.
Joni made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Theresa. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 am.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Theresa Cox, Secretary/Treasure