This message is to share with you one more time the one single update to the by-laws that will be voted on at the February meeting. This update and change that we are looking to make was brought to our attention as the process for nominating new officers started getting close.
Proposed Change
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of 3 Auxiliary members appointed by the president and when possible should include up to 3 past presidents. of the immediate past three presidents. This committee will be responsible for submitting a slate of officers for the election at the convention.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to visit with you more.
We also once again as an executive team would love to see you and your department represented at our bi-monthly meetings and ask that if any of you have an interest in serving as an officer please reach out to any of us currently serving. We would love to talk with you more.