Meeting was called to order by President Jessica Weisz at 9:02 a.m.
Members Presents
Jessica Weisz, Norborne FPD; Kim Voss, Beaufort Leslie FPD; Carissa Thompson, Holts Summit FPD; Diane Wynne, Galt FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Joni Fields, Paris RFPD; Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FD; Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; Robin Schrage, Jefferson R-7; Laura Peel, Southeastern Randolph; Christina Loyd, Martinsburg Area; Reta Smiley, Galt FPD; Nancy Ransdell, Madison West Monroe; Debbie Meyers, Concordia FD; Pat Peters, Washington Vol. FD; Jane Skornia, Washington Vol. FD; Bonnie Frankenberg, Washington Vol. FD; Kerry Holtmeier, Washington Vol. FD; Brittany Frankenberg, Washington Vol. FD; Cindy Frankenberg, Washington Vol. FD; Shelby Teter, North East Fire; Kim Peffermann, Washington Volunteer FD.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Voting procedures were explained by Joni Fields, Sergeant at Arms. Roll call of the Auxiliary Departments present at this year’s convention was completed by Joni Fields, Sergeant at Arms. She reported we have thirteen departments present.
Theresa Cox, Secretary/Treasurer read Sunday Convention meeting minutes dated May 15, 2021. Sheri Berendzen made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Missy Erdel seconded the motion, motion passed.
Financial Report
Theresa Cox, Secretary/Treasurer gave the financial report. We had a starting and ending balance of the same amount. We had no income or expenses for the last month. She also gave a high light on the past year’s transactions of what the auxiliary incurred. We donated $250.00 for the Stair Climb for Tim Bean at Jefferson City. We had an expenditure of $149.90 for Zoom. Expenditure for $411.28 is for the tri-fold brochures we ordered to hand out at various events. She also reported the auxiliary got their EIN this year.
The books were balanced by Diane Hanes, 1st Vice President and Sheri Berendzen, 2nd Vice President on Friday night May 6th this year, which they reported were in order. Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FPD made a motion to accept the Financial Report as read, seconded by Christine Loyd, Martinsburg Area FPD, and the motion passed.
Sheri Berendzen, 2nd Vice President reported we have 117 members plus 11 honorary members, a total of 128 members. She has reached out through text, emailing, or calling those who seem to have fallen off since COVID or the last three years to see if she could get them interested again. She also reported we have four new members, Debbie from Concordia, Shelby from North Eastern Randolph, Sky from Savannah, and Kyler from Savannah join at this year’s convention. Welcome aboard; if you need anything please feel free to reach out to any of the officers.
Sheri Berendzen 2nd Vice President stated we had 5 teams this year and the games went very well. It was a beautiful day, and everyone had fun. There was a lot of cheering for all of the teams. This year’s highlight was the German team of firefighters who played in the games with us. It made it very interesting; they were not used to our equipment at all.
As they participated in a game they had to adapt to the equipment and game they have never played. They were true firefighters they did what they had to do to get the job done.
Long-Standing Members Update
Theresa Cox, Secretary/Treasurer read the list of members who have maintained their membership and/or is an honorary members from 19 to 59 years. Twenty Eight (28) names were read. Eleven (11) of those are honorary members. It was discussed there should be a few more names added to this list which Theresa will update.
Some had to be disqualified this year due to the type of paper that was used, please review the information from the FFAM Magazine to get the full details on poster contest rules.
Carissa Thompson, Historian asked if you have any great photos from the convention or any other event you want to share she will take them, identify who is in the photo, and when and where it was taken.
There are multiple ways of communicating or finding out what is going on with the Auxiliary: Fire Fighters Association of Missouri – Auxiliary @AuxiliaryFFAM,, FFAM Auxiliary Members Group, or call 573-821-5474. Encouraged each member to go into Facebook and the FFAM website, frequently to see what is going on or leave messages.
Carissa addressed the membership about the use of Venmo vs. PayPal. We need to have a way to accept payment in many circumstances such as dues, silent auctions, etc. It was suggested we check into Square before moving forward.
Jessica Weisz, President informed everyone the bi-monthly meetings are now starting at 10:00 a.m. starting immediately. This change was made for those living so far away from travel time to make the meeting.
Old Business
Reminder to everyone next weekend is the Memorial Service at Kingdom City, May 14th and May 15th.
President Jessica Weisz presents the “Resolution” to the Washington Auxiliary FD. She thanked the auxiliary for doing a great job in hosting this year’s convention. Several members stated how much they have enjoyed themselves, how great the silent auction was, it was well organized, etc.
Washington Auxiliary gave a recap of their experiences hosting the convention and about the silent auction.
Joni Fields, Sergeant at Arms read the proposed Auxiliary bylaws. Jessica Weisz, the President, asked if there were any corrections, additions, or a motion to accept the proposed bylaws. Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD, stated, that under Secretary/Treasurer there is a typo error, (words were typed double times) that needs to be corrected.
Reta Smiley, Galt FPD, with the correction stated, make a motion to accept the proposed bylaws as read; a second was made by Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD. Motion passed.
Jessica Weisz, President brought up the situation the current terms for existing officers put us out of since for even year voting.
This was due to extenuating circumstances due to COID and not having conventions. The group discussed the need for current officers to stay in office to get back on the even election cycle again. All officers were asked if they would remain in their current office till 2024.
They all replied, yes. Kerry Holtmeier, Washington Volunteer FD made a motion for all current officers will stay in office till 2024 to get us back on an even election cycle. Sheri Berendzen, Cole County seconded the motion, the motion was approved.
Reta Smiley, Galt FD made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Carissa Thompson Holts Summit FPD, motion passed. Meeting Adjourned at 10:37 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted by Theresa Cox, Secretary/Treasurer.