
Auxiliary Meeting Minutes – August 2022

Meeting was called to order at 9:57 am by 2nd Vice President Diane Wynne. 

Members Present

Diane Wynne, Galt FPD, Theresa Cox, Secretary/Treasurer, Wentzville FPD, Joni Fields, Paris Rural FD, Carissa Thompson, Holts Summit FPD, Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FD, Lachrissa Smith, North Central Carroll Co FPD, Debbie Meyers, Concordia FPD, Kathy Eggen, Johnson County FPD, via Zoom was Christina Lloyd, Little Dixie FPD.

Old Business


Copies of the last meeting minutes dated Sunday, May 8th, 2022 were handed out. After reading through them; the group was asked if there were any corrections, additions, or deletions. One misspelled word was noted. Carissa Thompson made a motion to accept the meeting minutes as presented with the one correction as noted, Debbie Meyers seconded the motion, motion passed.

Financial Report

Theresa Cox reported the August financial numbers. She brought to light we have an expense for a hotel room that we never used during a recent event. She will work to get a credit for the room. Reminded everyone if you have any expenses you need to save the receipts and give them to the Secretary/Treasurer. Carissa Thompson made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Ann Jones, motion passed.

Keith Smith, from the Memorial Committee, joined our meeting to speak about the newest updates. The Foundation has come up with a design plan for the museum. His handout showed the layout of the inside. The Foundations plan is focused on Sight, Sound, and Texture. They are still looking for more funding to complete this project. After he left Theresa Cox who is also the FFAM Historian shared a blue shirt she received from a donor; it depicts what a fireman might have worn for a parade, dress shirt, or uniform.

Public Information (Formerly known as Historian)

Carissa Thompson spoke about using “Square” or PayPal as our payment method. After some discussion, the topic was tabled. 

For a fundraiser, Carissa Thompson suggested we get a gift card and add a few other valuable items for a raffle. We can sell the raffle tickets at the Fire School and during the Convention, the winner is to be drawn at Convention. The group unanimously felt this was a great idea. 

New Business

The 2022 Stair Climb is on October 22nd, in Jefferson City again this year. Our sign has not been found so Lachrissa Smith will be making a new one for us.

A reminder of the upcoming “BBQ Smoke Out” event is September 17th, 2022, starting from 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. It is in a new location this year at the Elk’s Lodge in Columbia. 

The State Fair Fire Department is celebrating 60 years this year. On Saturday there is a big celebration planned. 

Theresa Cox made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Ann Jones seconded, motion passed. The meeting was adjourned. 

After the meeting
Additional Notes:

Fire Marshal Tim Bean stopped by to chat with the auxiliary members. He shared a recent visit he had to the Mid West Children’s Burn Camp. 

As discussed in the past we have supported them, when now-deceased Pam Carsten would make a t-shirt quilt and raffle it off at the convention.

Charlie Peel joined us and informs us there has been no department requesting to host the 2023 convention to date. This could mean the State Fair Fire Department would host the convention. 

Talk of having the convention in May or June possibly.