Meeting called to order by President Jessica Miller at 9:00 a.m.
Members Present
Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD; Diane Wynne, Galt FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole Co. FPD; Theresa Cox; Wentzville FPD; Joni Fields; Paris Rural Fire; Carissa Thompson; Holt Summit FD; Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FD; Missy Erdel; Little Dixie FPD; Joyce Thompson Kearney Fire and Rescue; Reta Smiley, Galt FPD; Kathy Eggen, Johnson County FPD; via zoom: Kimberly Peffermann, Washington FD.
Jessica asked if everyone had reviewed the June 6th meeting minutes and if there are any corrections, additions, or discussions about them.
Sheri Berendzen made a motion to accept the June Minutes, seconded by Carissa Thompson, motion passed.
Theresa Cox reported our expenses were $213.96, and we had no income since the last meeting. This leaves us with a balance of $4,356.49 in our account. Missy Erdel made a motion to accept the financial report which was seconded by Ann Jones. Motion passed.
Committee Reports
Sheri Berendzed reported we have 107 paid and 10 honorary members for a total of 117 members. She has made attempts to contact past members to no avail but is not giving up.
Nothing to report.
Carissa Thompson has designed a flyer describing the FFAM Auxiliary purpose, our membership, and how to contact us. She suggested these flyers should be put in the packets handed out to new or potential departments, any appropriate event, or as we need them to generate new membership. Carissa had a site where she could have these printed for a reasonable price. Theresa Cox made a motion for Carissa to have 1000 flyers printed, seconded by Sheri Berendzen, motion passed. She also reported website is getting more hits.
Kim Peffermann reported the 2022 convention website is up and running. The Best Western is for our convention only. They are trying to get the B&B’s in the area which will accommodate 2-22 people. Reminded everyone they are in wineries and shopping in the area. She welcomed to come to the convention plans are coming along.
Carissa mentioned now that the TV is installed maybe they could show the posters from 2020 on it.
Old Business
Joni Fields reported the State Fair Fire Department received the “People’s Choice” award at the Missouri Fire Service Charity BBQ and Smoke Out.
She reminded September 11th, is Patriot Day at the Capital. We will be serving food for this event from 11-6. There is a sign-up sheet on the Member’s Facebook page. We need your support serving food to serve the FFAM fundraiser.
President Jessica Miller adjourned the meeting at 9:23 a.m. She welcomed the members to assist in putting the ribbons together for the Memorial in October. The ladies had a great time.
The next meeting is on October 3, 2021.
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox
FFAM Secretary/Treasurer