Meeting called to order by President Jessica Weisz at 9:01 a.m.
Jessica Weisz, Noreborne FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Sharon Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Carrisa Thompson, Holts Summit FPD; Joni Fields, Paris Rural FPD; Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD. Via zoom: Diane Wynn, Galt Fire Department; Christina Loyd, Little Dixie FPD; Kim Peffemann, Washington FPD.
Jessica asked if everyone had reviewed the August meeting minutes and if there were any corrections, addition, or discussions about them. Theresa made a motion to accept the August minutes, seconded by Sheri, motion passed.
Sheri made a motion to accept the financial report as reported, seconded by Melissa, motion approved.
Committee Reports
Sheri reported we have 107 members and 11 honorary members for a total of 118, representing 20 departments at this time. Sheri wanted to remind everyone “2022” membership dues are due by December 31, 2022. Membership dues are only $5 per person and mailed to Sheri Berendzen at 2314 Tanner Bridge Rd., Jefferson City 65101. For questions please contact one of our officers. Contact information is listed on Know anyone who wants to join? Reach out to us so we can contact them.
Sheri reported they have purchased a new hose for the games.
Carissa reported the first order of tri-fold pamphlets arrived and has been disbursed already. Discussed how many more pamphlets will be needed for future use. Sheri made a motion for Carissa to order 1000 pamphlets, seconded by Joni, motion passed.
The convention is May 6-8. Washington is having a Silent Auction at the 2022 convention. Their Silent Auction is to help them offset the cost of hosting the convention. So the FFAM Auxiliary will not be asking the members to bring items to support the Silent Auction. More information about the 2022 convention can be found on page 19 in the September/October FFAM Magazine. If you do not have a copy you can go to and look up the magazine for the article by Matt Frankenberg on page 19.
Poster Contest
The Poster Contest is October 3-9.
Old Business
Charlie Peel and Grant Oetting joined our meeting to let us know Patriot Day went very well. The BBQ did very well this year. Our big challenge was we needed to be closer to the action. Charlie thanked everyone for their dedication and hard work. Plans are already in progress for next year’s event.
See the article from Joni Fields for the first reading of proposed changes to the FFAM Auxiliary By-Laws.
Jessica reminded us we still need nominations for Membership of the Year. Nominations can be an individual or a group.
Theresa read the thank you letter to the FFAM Auxiliary from the State Fire Marshal’s office, Tim Bean, and staff.
A reminder that next weekend is the Memorial Services, October 9-10 at Kingdom City at 8:00 p.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Members present assisted with putting ribbons together for the Memorial.
Carissa made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joni, motion passed. Jessica adjourned the meeting at 9:50 a.m
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox
FFAM Secretary/Treasurer