
A Message From The 2nd VP – September 2021

Greetings FFAM members. Wow, where did the summer go! I swear it was just spring and we were all thinking vacations, spending time with families, or just looking at getting away. Now the kids are back in school, our days are getting shorter and it’s getting darker earlier in the day. The year has been a fast one for sure.

The FFAM has been busy. We have been attending numerous conferences and events across our state promoting the organization and the benefits we have to offer. Those events include the Revolutionary Fire Tactics at the Lake, the Missouri State Fair, and in the future the Jefferson County Engine Rally, and the memorial at Kingdom City.

The Revolutionary Fire Tactics at the Lake was a huge success. The FFAM promoted membership and was selling challenge coins at this event. We gained some members at this event, and we sold all the challenge coins we had. This was a great conference to do some networking with our fellow brothers and sisters in the fire service and do some exchanging of challenge coins. I would like to thank FFAM members Chris Thompson and Carissa Thompson of Holts Summit Fire Protection District, Assistant Director Josh Koepke of Kansas City Fire Department, and FFAM President Larry Jennings for joining me at the conference to help promote our great organization.

The Missouri State Fair is behind us now, this also was a huge success. This is the biggest event that the FFAM has throughout the year to help promote the organization, but also provides services to the patrons of the fair. If you did not know we are the only state fair that has its own fire department, every other state fair has to contract these services out, which costs lots of money. The department is a fully registered fire department in the state thru the fire marshal’s office, and all our services are provided to the patrons free of charge. That’s a huge accomplishment. We should be proud that we as an organization can provide this service to our great state. I would like to thank all the departments that donated equipment, trucks, and medical supplies for the fair, but the big thank you goes to the personnel that donated their time and skills for the fair and also promoted our organization. Our fire marshal always says put the best boots on the ground and I truly believe this did happen. Thank you to all that were involved and also to Fire Marshal Bean for their continued support.

This morning I got off the phone with the organizers of the Jefferson County Engine Rally. This event is a go at the moment unless COVID-19 shuts it down again this year. This event will be held on September 25th, more information can be found on their Facebook page. The FFAM plans to attend this event and also have the 1929 pumper in the parade. If you attend this event please stop by the booth, say hi, and maybe purchase a challenge coin. Make sure to wave to RB Brown when he is driving the pumper thru the parade.

In October the FFAM will have members representing Missouri at the national memorial in Emmitsburg, MD. They will be honoring our lost brothers and sisters that lost their lives in the line of duty in 2020 and 2021. This is an event you don’t want to miss if you have a chance to attend. If you don’t want to travel to Maryland, please attend our state memorial in Kingdom City. This event will be on October 9th and 10th. This is also an event where we can honor our brothers and sisters that gave to ultimate sacrifice and also honor the retired members of the Missouri fire service. This is a great event if you want to attend one you don’t want to miss out on this.  Thanks go out to the Memorial Committee that puts in long hours and dedication for this event.

In closing I would like to remind members, the FFAM is your organization. If you would like us at your event or there is something you would like us to do or items that you feel we need to put in the budget, please reach out to us. I can be reached by email grant_oetting@yahoo.com or you can call my cell at 660-229-4525. If I don’t answer please leave me a message. Until next time, be safe my brothers and sisters.