
Auxiliary Minutes – September 2017

FFAM Auxiliary Meeting Sedalia Missouri, August 6, 2017

Meeting called to order by President Diane Hanes at 9:03 a.m.

Introduction of Officers


Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FD; Chris Slaughter, Warrenton FPD; Angela Fields, Paris Rural FPD; Joni Fields, Paris Rural FPD; Joyce Thompson, Kearney Fire Rescue; Barbara Mattox, North Central Carroll FPD; and Kerrie Mattox, North Central Carroll FPD.


Diane asked if there were any changes or comments for the June 2017 meeting minutes. No changes were brought forward. Ann made a motion to accept the meeting notes, seconded by Theresa, motion passed.

Financial report

Sheri reported there were a deposit of $52.00 and a expense of $246.08, the ending total of $6,285.37. Kerrie has a few outstanding bills from the convention, will send them to Sheri to have them processed, Chris made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Angelia, motion passed.

Committee Reports


Theresa said no new dues were received. Hardin FPD auxiliary contacted Theresa to see if their by-laws needed to be the same as FFAM auxiliary by-laws.

Auxiliary Member of the Year

Jessica said no new names have been submitted at this time. It was mentioned that auxiliary groups can also be submitted for this award.


Diane had nothing to report at this time.


2018 convention was supposed to be held in Chillicothe but there were some unforeseen events that happened it was decided that the convention cannot be held there in 2018. The auxiliary was invited to listen to the discussion of the upcoming convention that the FFAM had. St. Joseph FD submitted a proposal to host the 2018 Convention. The FFAM discussed it and it was decided to have St. Joseph FD host the 2018 convention. More info will be forwarded as soon as it is available.


No info to report at this time.


Chris said she received pictures from Gail.


No report at this time.


Working on rewording some of the by-laws – will work on this at the end of the meeting.

Old Business

It was discussed to purchase 4 maltese cross vases. These can be used however need at upcoming conventions. It was also discussed to purchase heavy duty totes to store these and any other items purchased for use at conventions. Theresa made a motion to purchase the vases, seconded by Chris, motion passed.

New Business

Worked on some of the wording on the by-laws. Will work on remaining pages at the next meeting.

Tim Beam requested to talk to the auxiliary. Said the auxiliary was doing a great job supporting the FFAM and said that the Fire Marshall office is there to support us.

Chris made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Jessica, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m. Next meeting is to be October 1 in Sedalia.

Respectfully Submitted;

Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD

Secretary Treasurer 2016-2017