As you read this, I’m sure you have sent in your registration for the FFAM convention at Lake of the Ozarks on April 29 – May l. All of the forms you have always wanted to fill out are in the FFAM Newsletter.
A few weeks later, you will be able to attend the Annual Fallen Firefighters Memorial on May 14-15, at Kingdom City. On Saturday night there is a candlelight program and on Sunday a memorial service. The Firefighter’s Field of Flags will be flown at this time. It is a very impressive site at the Memorial. If you haven’t attended before, please make every effort to find out what it is all about. In the last newsletter, there is an order form for a Kneeling Firefighter Statue if you decide to purchase one.
As you can tell receiving the FFAM newsletter can keep you informed about almost anything for FFAM. It answers most of your questions about a FFAM event. Jamie Miller, our secretary/treasurer of FFAM, is our editor. Gail Hagans, from MU FRTI, is our coordinator. They do a wonderful job getting the newsletter put together from the information sent in.
The Madison West Monroe and Paris Rural Fire Departments of District 3 have been working on acquiring a grain engulfment rescue wall. This equipment is used to assist fire and emergency service personnel to respond to and handle grain entrapment emergencies. The kit is a six piece wall with ropes and harnesses used by the firefighters with the wall. The firefighters had made it their goal to obtain one of these walls to use in Monroe County and surrounding areas. The departments received enough donations to order and receive two walls. The equipment will be housed at the Madison West Monroe Firehouse but used by surrounding areas.
As Spring and Summer are just around the corner, please enjoy every minute. Hopefully at a FFAM event with you fire family but always with your own family.