
An Update from the 1st Vice President – March 2016

It is coming, spring is coming! That is for me more than you! I hate cold weather!

Would you do me a favor? Pencil in March 23, on your calendar, you ask why?

It is the 2nd annual Missouri Fire Sprinkler Coalition Summit one-day conference, hosted by the Springfield Fire and Police training center.

Last year the coalition hosted the summit in Columbia with a great attendance. We as the coalition feel it will be a great way to spend a day and become educated about the Missouri Sprinkler Coalition, residential sprinklers, homebuilders’ perspective of residential fire sprinklers, stakeholder panel discussions, live side-by-side burn demonstration, and overview of recent fires in Missouri.

Early registration for the summit is $40 (plus applicable processing fees) if purchased online before March 6. Registration will be $50 on the day of the event for those not registered in advance. Visit the registration page for more information. Register online at www.firesprinklerinitiative.org/state-coalitions/missouri.

So come join me and the other coalition members and enjoy a great day.

If you have, any questions feel free to contact me, 417-256-2424