
Contest Committee News

ContestIt soon will be convention time and most by now are getting ready for contest. The contest committee would like to thank Richard Gordon for all his time and effort spent for FFAM. Richard has decided to hang up his helmet and boots and retire from the fire service. Thanks Richard for all you have done.

That being said, the torch has been passed on to me and I will now be chairing the committee. The other members are Terry Wynne, Glen Dittmar, Jessica Miller and newly added Gary Berendzen. We hope we can continue to serve you to the best of our ability.

Some changes will be happening with registration. We would like to get registration for contest done the week prior to convention. The committee needs the release of responsibility with all participant’s names and signatures. We also need the contest forms designating number of teams in each event and which divisions. These forms can be found on the website www.ffam.org under committees – contest, filled out and sent electronically.

Our committee has worked hard over the last few years to clear up grey areas in the rules and divisions. We hope to keep improving and having registration completed early will help tremendously with getting paper work done in a timely manner.

I would also like to take this time to invite the directors and assistant directors to help with time keeping, judging and to cheer on the teams from you’re district. If you are interested in giving a hand, please let me know.

Like everyone else I keep my phone on me and can be reached about anytime at 573-473-0972 or email me at roberdel@ktis.net.