
An Update from the 1st Vice President

Ribbon Cutting and Dedication to Open Station #3 in West Plains
Ribbon Cutting and Dedication to Open Station #3 in West Plains

Happy Spring everyone, hope this finds you enjoying the sights and sounds of what this time of year brings to you.

It has been a busy time since the last newsletter. Several departments were represented at Firefighter Day at the Capitol. If you have never attended this event, put it on your calendar for next year. Your legislative representatives look forward to visiting with you and we have found that it does help!

The Fire Alliance provided the food and drinks for the cookout for the state legislators. We figured there were over two hundred that ate with the fire services representatives. Thanks to my department for cooking the hot dogs and burgers.

We have added to our full time staff by hiring three more firefighters. Tommy Jones, Chris Brockelbank, and Lucas Cyr. We are excited to have them on board, they were hired from our paid on call roster.

We had a ribbon cutting to open our new Station #3 on Friday April 24. This station locations will allow complete coverage for our citizens and businesses within our city and response area.

We are in the final design stages for a new Fire Station #1, and administration/ training facility. We will be moving our present Fire Station #1 location up the street 5 blocks from are present location. Its completion date is expected to be in 2016. Administration and training will be added onto our existing Station #2.

Lastly 2015 convention was wonderful. The weather, the site, the firefighters, and the Lake Area Emergency Services Association, Inc., were awesome. Thanks for hosting us.

Stay safe and I will hopefully see you on May 16, 17 at the annual Memorial Service in Kingdom City.

J. Tim Bean
1st Vice President