
Fire Marshal’s Update – March 2024

It is that time of the year we call election time. As Missourians, and Americans we should practice the right of voting at the local, state, and national levels. We have many state offices up for election this year. Please take the time and educate yourself on who is running within your area, and then go vote.

I would like to say how proud of the Missouri fire service I am. In recent weeks many of you have had major wildland fire events within your protection areas. I appreciate seeing and hearing how everyone has been actively involved with assisting your neighbors when they have requested your assistance. We in the Missouri fire service like every other state are experiencing a shortage of staff in our fire departments. This elevates the reason we should have strong mutual aid/automatic aid agreements with our neighboring fire departments. Building these relationships is paramount before you need their assistance. If you do not have a written agreement with your neighboring department, I strongly encourage you to work on getting your mutual aid agreements in place. Attending your local fire chiefs or county fire department meetings will reap great dividends when major events happen. Training together and knowing what each other can do will provide relief to you and your agency. 

State Fire Mutual Aid Regional Coordinators

This is a list of your state fire mutual aid regional coordinators who work for you if and when you need resources for that major event that breaks out and exceeds your local department’s capabilities.

  • Region A: Dan Manley — 816-935-3456
  • Region B: John Cook — 660-665-3734
  • Region C: Greg Brown — 636-262-2400
  • Region D: Rich Stirts — 417-839-5697
  • Region E: Jason Mouser — 573-576-8709
  • Region F: Scott Frandsen — 573-216-5900
  • Region G: Kurt Wilbanks — 417-255-3584
  • Region H: Bill Lamar — 816-387-3269
  • Region I: Ron Smith — 573-578-2507

Please add these coordinator’s names and phone numbers to your contact list. In the middle of the event is the wrong time to be trying to figure out who to call! We stand ready to assist you at any time.

We have hired a new Statewide Fire Mutual Aid coordinator for the Division of Fire Safety. Scott Clarkson will begin the first of April in his new role. Until then, Matt Luetkemeyer is your contact for anything related to fire mutual aid, fire department registration, or any other fire department-related questions. Our contact phone number is 573-821-0937, which is available 24/7/365. You can always contact me at 573-645-2069. 

In closing our annual Firefighters’ Day at the Capitol is March 26th. Events kick off at 10:00 am here on the 13th floor with a legislative briefing. We will dismiss from here and then you may go and visit your legislators. At noon the ceremony will begin in the rotunda with the presentation of the colors, followed by remarks from Governor Parson and others. Our theme this year is Women in Fire. The day will be dedicated to the females who serve across our state. Come join us for your day at the capital, lunch will be provided for you before you head back home, I hope to see you here!

It is an honor to serve you as the State Fire Marshal. Thank you for being the “Best boots on the ground” and leaving things better than you find them! Feel free to reach out if I can be of any assistance to you.