
Missouri Fire Fighters Critical Illness Pool

The Fire Service continues to face new and ever more dangerous challenges in our ever-changing world. The Missouri Fire Fighters Critical Illness Pool was created from the need to better protect our Missouri Fire Fighters. Fire Fighters have a 9% higher risk of getting cancer than the public and have a 14% higher risk of dying from cancer. The numbers are continuing to increase, because of changes in building products and finishes of furnishings. The carcinogens in the products of combustion have dramatically increased in the last 50 years. Often, the instance of cancer in a Fire Fighter is disputed by Workers Compensation and claims are litigated and that may take years to work its way through the Legal system. After years of trying to get legislation to have certain types of cancer looked at as a work exposure-related illness, Fire Service leadership formed a coalition of management, labor, and insurance companies to see what may work to assist our firefighters. An Agency can purchase coverage for their firefighters that will provide a benefit to cover out-of-pocket expenses, deductibles, or other expenses that may arise from contracting any one of the 17 types of cancer that are covered by the Pool.

The Pool also is working towards changing the culture of the Fire Service by requiring members to follow practices to decrease exposure and aid in detecting cancer earlier, getting treatment and hopefully returning to full health.

More information on the Pool can be found on the website at www.MFFCIP.org. The website shows the benefit levels, required policies and procedures, and the pricing structure, and there is a great deal of information that anyone can look at and use to better protect our firefighters. There is a way on the website to arrange for a presentation about the Pool.

The Missouri Fire Fighters Critical Illness Pool has recently received Statutory authority to expand into developing a behavioral health injury system for First Responders in Missouri. This system is currently being designed to cover the State’s firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, and Tele-communicators. It will provide “Best Practices” for Agencies to place in policy and procedures, augment and support a Peer Support Network for First Responders, and develop a network of clinicians and treatment facilities that have knowledge and facilities that are training in dealing with First Responders. It is the goal of the MFFCIP to have this program introduced sometime in the first quarter of 2024.

Just recently, the MFFCIP has brought in National speakers on both subjects and provided free training in Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbia, and Springfield. The Pool intends to have those presentations on the website and to continue to provide annual training from some top people working in the field of First Responder Health, Wellness and Science.

The MFFCIP was created in 2021 with the passage of SB45 and expanded in 2023 with the passage of SB24. Both pieces of legislation were the work and strong support of the Missouri Fire Service by Senator Lincoln Hough.

Missouri Fire Fighters Critical Illness Pool. “Prevention. Support. Protection.”
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