
District 7 Update

Hello from the east side of the state and District 7. I hope all is well. I first want to extend my thanks to the FFAM Board for an excellent convention, job well done and thank you. And a big congratulations to the firefighter challenge winners for a job well done. To Southern Stone County Fire Protection District for their top winners Firefighter of the Year, Chief Officer of the Year, and Department of the Year, congratulations to all.

At this convention we said goodbye to two important Directors of the FFAM; District 2 Director Greg Wright and District 3 Director Larry Jones. Both were recognized for their dedication and service to the FFAM Board of Directors. Director Jones was also honored as the 2023 VFIS Phil Sayer Lifetime Achievement Award winner, a very deserving honor.

Can you believe how fast time is going by? When this article will be published it will be in the middle of July, so I hope everyone had an outstanding, safe and great 4th. Just think after the 4th the next big event will be the Missouri State Fair August 10-20th and I’m extending an open invitation to attend the State Fair on the first Saturday, First Responder Day. With proper ID, First Responders will get in free of charge and immediate family will get in at a reduced price. Stop by the station for some refreshments and cool off.

And a friendly reminder that the Fire Prevention Poster Contest winners are welcomed to the fair with their immediate family as guests of the Missouri State Fair Fire Department and get your prize money for your masterpiece. Hope to see many at the State Fair. It’s a great time and I hope each and every one has a great safe summer until then.