President Ken Hoover called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri to order at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, October 4, 2020 at the Missouri State Fair Fire Department in Sedalia, MO.
A moment of silence was held to recognize Historian Kay Asher who passed the week prior.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Board of Directors and other officials
President Ken Hoover, Little Dixie FPD; First Vice President Larry Jennings, Johnson County FPD; Second Vice President Grant Oetting, Higginsville FPD; Secretary Treasurer Jaime Miller, Johnson County FPD #2; Sergeant-at-Arms Rex Reynolds, Southern FPD of Holt County.
District 2, Greg Wright, Shelbina FD; District 3, Larry Jones, Madison/West Monroe FPD; District 4, Joe Vaughn, Pleasant Hill FPD; District 5, Terry Plumb, Southern Stone FPD; District 10, Greg Brown, Eureka FPD; District 11, Monty Thompson, Kearney FPD.
Assistant Directors
District 7, Andrew Caldwell, Boles FPD; District 9, Kurt Wilbanks, West Plains FD; District 10, Harriett Vaucher, Eureka FPD; District 11, Billy Smith, North Central Carroll Co FPD; District 14, Glen Dittmar, Dearborn Area FPD.
Past President Keith Smith, Warrenton Fire Protection District.
Matt Luetkemeyer, Missouri Division of Fire Safety; Gail Hagans, University of Missouri Fire and Rescue Training Institute; Larry Eggen, Joe Jennings, Johnson County FPD; Chris Thompson, Holts Summit FPD; Ed Daugherty, Chillicothe FD.
President Hoover asked for additions to the agenda. Grant Oetting moved to accept the agenda as presented. Greg Wright seconded the motion and all approved.
President Hoover asked for corrections to the August 9, 2020 meeting minutes. Andrew Caldwell moved to accept the minutes as presented. Larry Jones seconded the motion and all approved.
Financial Report
President Hoover asked for a review of the August 2020 financial report. Greg Brown moved to accept the financial report presented. Terry Plumb seconded the motion and all approved.
Report of Officers and Special Guest(s):
Gail Hagans with the University of Missouri Fire and Rescue Training Institute reported that classes are continuing with higher than average attendance. The Missouri Emergency Services Instructor Conference will be held November 6 – 8. Winter Fire School is also still scheduled at this time in February. There is a hiring freeze so there is no progress on hiring a new director.
The MFA grant period will be open October 1 through the end of November.
Assistant State Fire Marshal Matt Luetkemeyer with the Missouri Division of Fire Safety thanked the Missouri State Fair FD for allowing them to participate during the fair with a burn trailer demonstration.
The training unit was awarded an AFG grant for records management software along with computer-based testing.
During a recent regional testing, there was an incident of Covid-19 exposure. Due to this, they have tightened down on testing requirements and stricter safety precautions.
The memorial stair climb will be October 10 at Lincoln University Stadium, outside. FFAM is a floor sponsor. This will be the 4th stair climb in conjunction with Supporting Heroes.
The thirteenth floor offices are moving around in November so be aware if you come to the office.
Committee Reports
Awards Committee
Larry Jennings advised that the committee has submitted a budget request to increase the department grant budget. Discussion was held on proceeding with an increase in the department grant to further fund the large number of requests received each year. The board advised to proceed with funding the budget request if able to.
Joe Jennings reported that the committee is working on cleaning up the language on the award nominations. If you have any suggestions, let him know.
Budget Committee
Larry Jennings advised that he has most of the committee budget requests in.
Bylaws Committee
No report was given.
Chaplain Committee
Jaime Miller reported on behalf of David Hedrick that the Missouri Fire Chaplains Corp’s will be holding its annual meeting and officer elections via the web based application Zoom on October 5, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. A meeting link and other information will be going out to MFCC members concerning the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact MFCC Secretary Ed Hatcher at
Dr. Ed Hatcher will be teaching Theodicy and Trauma twice in October via Zoom. One is a 2-day class, two 8-hour sessions, and one is a 5-day class, five 3-hour sessions. If you are interested, go to our Federation of Fire Chaplains website at for more information and to register.
Today, October 4, 2020, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation will premiere an America’s Tribute to Fallen Firefighters over the web at 10:00 a.m. EDT. This 45-minute special will be available to watch on and through the NFFF’s social media platforms. The tribute ceremony will honor 82 firefighters who died in the line of duty in 2019, along with 21 firefighters who died in the line of duty from previous years. Please remember the firefighter families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and the firefighters and their families that continue to serve each day.
Contest Committee
No report was given.
Convention Committee
Monty Thompson advised that Kearney is proceeding with planning. The 2021 dates are April 30 – May 2.
Education Committee
No report was given.
Fire Prevention Committee
No report was given.
Legislative Committee
Greg Brown encouraged everyone to reach out to your legislators and help promote those that support the fire service.
The legislative session is coming up. Two big topics include a cancer program and PTSD. They are working with the insurance industry to create a voluntary trust to cover types of cancer that firefighters are more at risk for.
The training budget might be difficult to get funding due to the financial situation of the state budget.
If you have anything you would like to be addressed by the legislative committee, contact Greg Brown.
Membership Committee
Grant Oetting reported the following membership counts: 492 directors/councilman; 354 retired; 21 associate; 15 sustaining; 24 corporate, 360 fire departments; 6452 active; 10 educational; 122 juniors; 6 EMS department, 97 EMS individuals. If you have any conferences for next year that you would like FFAM to represent, let him know.
Jaime Miller advised 2021 membership packets will be going out this month.
Ken Hoover recommended that David Hedrick be named as an honorary member due to his years of service to MU FRTI and support of FFAM. Grant Oetting moved to make David Hedrick an honorary member. Andrew Caldwell seconded the motion and all approved.
Nomination Committee
Keith Smith advised that he will be contacting those who are up for re-election in 2021.
NVFC Committee
Keith Smith advised that there was no spring meeting. The fall meeting is being held virtually right now. An FFAM member department has reached out to NVFC for assistance through the volunteer advocacy program.
Scholarship Committee
Larry Eggen reported that the committee met during the livestock show and made some changes to their SOG’s. They would also like to see an increase in scholarship funding for 2021.
State Fair Committee
Monty Thompson advised that the department responded to 14 total calls during the livestock show. Thanks to those that helped.
Website Committee
No report was given.
The deadline for the next newsletter will be November 1.
Historian report
Ken Hoover advised he would be working on appointing a new chairperson.
Fire Funeral Team report
Harriett Vaucher reported they are not working on anything at this time.
EMS Funeral Team report
Greg Wright reported that the team assisted in three non-LODD services. The October 23-24 conference in Lake Ozark will still be held. Tickets for the event and banquet are still available.
Foundation report
Keith Smith reported that the virtual service video for October 11 has been pre-recorded. Mike O’Conner with the Department of Public Safety recorded the service. Gail Hagans took pictures. The video will be released via YouTube on October 11 at 10:30 a.m. The services will be advertised by several avenues. There were a lot of people who helped make the services possible. 3 LODD and 59 non-LODD will be recognized.
The Foundation also received two $2,000 grants from Callaway County.
The 2021 services will be held the 3rd weekend in May.
The picnic shelter is going in today. They are ready to start working on the inside of the museum however, more funding is needed.
Jaime Miller reminded all the committees to get their revised SOG’s to her for updating.
Glen Dittmar moved to adjourn the meeting. Terry Plumb seconded the motion and all approved.
President Hoover adjourned the meeting at 10:20 a.m.
Jaime Miller
Fire Fighters Association of Missouri