
President’s Remarks – July 2020

I will hold my thoughts to a minimum in this edition. My main thoughts these past few months have been to reflect on the amazing ability of the fire service to adapt and overcome.

The fire service has once again proven they can step up and respond to any, and all emergencies and crises that arise. COVID-19 has NOT discouraged the firefighters which serve this great state.

I will only say, great job brothers and sisters. Your teamwork has made this virus epidemic look easy to conquer. So many of you have come together and have done anything and everything asked of you. I can’t even begin to list every job performed, but as president of your association, thank you for putting everyone’s safety and well being before your own. True hero’s.
The FFAM State Fair Fire Department Committee has been working many hours preparing for the 2020 state fair. The fair will look different this year with no concerts but the fire department will adjust and still provide outstanding service to the fairgoers. Everything is shaping up for another great time at the 2020 Missouri State Fair.

A full staff of FFAM members from throughout the state have been selected to work and I am looking forward to another great time seeing old friends and making new ones. Terry Plumb from the Southern Stone County Fire Protection District will serve as the fire chief again this year. Please come visit your organization at the state fair if you have the opportunity.

Many hours are given by many FFAM members. Thanks to each one of you that volunteer your time so the fairgrounds will be safe and protected.

I am very thankful for all the FFAM officers, directors, assistant directors, committees, and many others serving the needs of the fire service of Missouri.

Enjoy your summer and as always, I am available in the event you have any questions or comments. You may contact me at 573-473-4001 or chiefhoover@sbcglobal.net.

Kenneth Hoover
Fire Fighters Association of Missouri