
Auxiliary Meeting Minutes – March 2020

Meeeting called to order by President Diane Wynne at 9:00 a.m.

Members Present
Diane Wynne, Galt FPD; Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Sheri Berendzen, Cole Co FPD; Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FPD; Joyce Thompson, Kearney Fire, Carissa Thompson, Holts Summit FPD; Joni Fields, Paris Rural FD; Angelia Fields, Paris Rural FD.

Diane Wynne asked if there were any changes or comments or corrections for the December 1, 2019 meeting minutes. Theresa Cox made a motion to accept the meeting notes as written, seconded by Angela Fields, motion passed.

Financial report
Sheri Berendzen read the report with a total of $5,867.37 in our account at the closing of the October meeting. There were 2 deposits for a total of $315 and 2 expenses for a total of $875, with a new balance of $5,307.37. Jessica Miller made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Angela Fields, motion passed. 

Committee Reports

Theresa Cox reported there were a total of 86 renewals at this time and 11 honorary.

Auxiliary Member or Auxiliary of the year
Jessica Miller said that they have received some nominations.

Poster contest
Diana spoke about the contest and said to make sure that the size and such is correct by the rules listed on the web page.

Joyce Thompson spoke about the upcoming convention and everything is coming along. They have a meeting coming up to go over plans they have going on. Theresa asked about the silent auction and how many tables we will be allowed.

Sheri reported that Gary has questions on when he can set up and such.

Since we don’t have a historian at this time it was decided to not do a slideshow.

Old Business
Theresa stated that for the silent auction she has a cooler for a booze drawing. Need to get donations of booze from bars or stores. We can only have pictures of the booze drawing to sell at the registration and the opening ceremonies since it is being held at the high school.

Sheri Berendzen reported the name tags are ordered and should be in any day.

Jessica showed a picture of the tablecloths and will order two of them after the meeting if approved. The design was approved.

Ann read the bylaws. Jessica Miller made a motion to accept the bylaws as read, seconded by Carissa Thompson, motion passed. 

Audit was done on the checkbook by Jessica Miller and Diane Wynne and found that the check book was balanced and in order. 

New Business
Sheri will be attending the Winter Fire School Equipment Exposition. She will be selling what fundraising item we still have available.

Diane spoke about doing a donation to the Burn Camp in honor of Pam Carsten since she had done so much for the auxiliary by doing quilts and such. It was discussed to donate $500 in her name. Joyce Thompson made a motion to donate $500 in Pam Carsten name to the Burn Camp, seconded by Joni Fields, motion passed. 

Theresa Cox read a letter from the Fire Marshal’s office thanking for our donation to the stair climb. Tim Bean came and spoke to the auxiliary about upcoming bills at the capitol and such. 

Jessica Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting and second by Angela Fields. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m. Next meeting will be held at the FFAM convention which is May 1-3, 2020 in Kearney, MO. There will be a Friday night and Sunday morning meeting. The Sunday morning meeting will have installation of new officers.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD
FFAM Auxiliary Secretary Treasurer