Greetings from the thirteenth floor, Happy New Year from Judy and I and the seventy team members of the Division of Fire Safety. We wish each and every one a healthy, productive and safe 2020. We appreciate getting the opportunity to serve the great State of Missouri and each of you. An example of our service to Missourians in 2019 is that we drove over 1,274,737 miles across our state keeping it safe. That took 100,808 gallons of gas, but the greatest part of this is everyone went home safe and sound and that makes me happy!
I am also very proud to report, that we as the Missouri Fire Service did not lose one firefighter to an emergency event! From the 25,000 firefighters and the 847 fire departments registered in our state, responding to over 426,812 emergency calls for help that is a phenomenal success. According to NFIRS, we responded to the following: 69% Rescue/EMS, 11% Good Intent, Service Calls 8%, Fires 3%, HazMat 3%, and Miscellaneous/False Calls 6%. Neighbors helping Neighbors.
I ask myself, how does this awesome accomplishment happen? Three things come to mind, training, education and application. When you hear the tone, you shift your mind to that response mode and commit to becoming the best boots on the ground at that time. Which, in most cases will allow you to leave things better than when you found them! Anything less than that, we should not accept.
So, thank you! To each and every one of you who are committed to that mission! I encourage you to continue providing quality professional service to our state residents or anyone else who enters our great state. May God bless you and continue to keep you in 2020!
January 8, will begin the 101st session of the General Assembly for our Missouri legislators. We will be busy for the next five months securing the Division of Fire Safety’s budget. We will also be working on getting funding appropriated for the worker’s compensation grant, which assists fire department associations (volunteer), with their worker’s compensation premiums. I will remind you there is funding available through the Missouri Department of Conservation, which will assist your association (volunteer) or department with worker’s compensation premiums. Contact Ben Webster at 573-522-4115, Ext: 3113 or
Firefighter/first responders health and safety work related illnesses including cancer and PTSD, are topics our legislators will be hearing bills on again. We hope we gain support in this growing need among our first responder and public safety communities.
Save the date! The 2020 State Firefighters Day at the Capital will be March 18. The rotunda ceremony will begin at 11:00 a.m. The Division, along with support from MoChiefs, will provide lunch following the rotunda activities. We strongly encourage everyone to come, join your other fire service brothers and sisters, and meet with your State Representative and Senator. Your presence goes a long way, trust me.
In closing, I would like to pay tribute to retired Assistant State Fire Marshal Greg Carrell. Greg served 33 years for the Division of Fire Safety, twelve of those as Assistant State Fire Marshal and three of those as Acting State Fire Marshal. I want to again thank you for your many years of service to our state and to the Division of Fire Safety. You were a tremendous asset with your institutional knowledge and wisdom. I wish you health and true happiness in your next chapter of life.
Stay Safe and feel free to contact me at any time at 573-751-1742 or or come visit us at the thirteenth floor.
J. Tim Bean
State Fire Marshal
Division of Fire Safety