
President’s Remarks – November 2019

What a beautiful fall season so far. The colors of the fall foliage remind us of the changing of the life cycles of Mother Nature.

I have attended several recent retirements, Chillicothe Chief Darrell Wright, Highlandville Assistant Chief Charlie Neubert and several other meetings on behalf of FFAM. It is kind of sad to see some of the old guard retiring but also encouraging to see the younger generation picking up the reigns and forging ahead. Thank you to both groups.

This is a very busy time of the year for many of us, Fire Prevention Week just ending, deer season just beginning, hayrides, bonfires, Fall get togethers, Halloween in just a few days, Thanksgiving quickly arriving, and then the Christmas holidays wrapping up the year. If that does not keep everyone busy, I don’t know what would.

Rob Erdel, representing FFAM at NVFC traveled to Georgia for the Fall 2019 meeting along with his wife Missy. Thank you Captain Erdel for your willingness to serve. I am sure Rob will have an article in this newsletter outlining the activities of his trip.

In addition, the Kearney Fire Protection District is heading up the 2020 Convention committee that will be hosting the convention in Kearney, Missouri, in May 2020. Please become involved in this great work. The convention is only great if all of us work to make it great. I am looking forward to an excellent convention in Kearney and Chief David Pratt is working diligently on this project.

The exterior of the museum in Kingdom City is very close to completion. It is looking great and the inside will be just as nice when completed. Please donate if you are able. Keith Smith, Chairman of the Memorial Foundation will speak more on this in his article.

2nd Vice Chairman Grant Oetting has been attending many activities throughout the state promoting membership to FFAM and has shown progress with increasing our number of members. He has been assisted by Josh Koepke and Jonathan Evans. I apologize if I have forgotten anyone else. Great job everyone.

FFAM annual dues will be sent out soon if not already. All membership renewals are due January 1. Secretary/Treasurer Jaime Miller has included in the notices a list of membership benefits. FFAM offers the largest amount of benefits than any other state fire organization, all for $10 a year of which $3 of that amount goes to the Fire Fighters Memorial in Kingdom City. FFAM Board of Directors continues to look for additional benefits for its members. If anyone has any suggestions, please contact your district director.

The FFAM Directors are currently working on the 2020 budget and I want to remind all directors and committees that your request for funding is currently due to 1st Vice-President, Chief Larry Jennings, Johnson County Fire Protection District. We will be voting on the 2020 proposed budget at the December 1, 2019, board meeting in Sedalia at 9:00 a.m. at the fire station. 

Other items that are due for submission soon are the nominations for awards and scholarships. You can find the applications on the FFAM website or in upcoming newsletters. Please take the time to nominate deserving individuals for these important awards. These are just a few of the excellent benefits I was talking about earlier.

I would like to remind all committee chairpersons, please be meeting and discussing your assignments and to forward to me the results of your meetings. I encourage all FFAM members, if you have input, please contact the appropriate committees or director with your thoughts, and opinions. This will insure state-wide participation and fairness to all our members. If you experience any difficulties, please contact me. FFAM’s success depends on the efficiency of the committees.

Being this edition of the newsletter will be the holiday edition, I wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas. All of us have so many things to be thankful for. May joy and happiness follow you all the days of your life!

If there is anything you need from FFAM, please do not hesitate to contact one of the officers or directors. We are here to serve.

God Speed,
Kenneth Hoover
Fire Fighters Association of Missouri