Auxiliary Member of the Year – Shelia Nichols Life Saving – Jared Wilt, Shelbina FPD Life Saving – Higginsville FPD Life Saving – Norborne FPD Chief Officer of the Year – Gary Berendzen...
Archive - May 2019
FFAM Awards at 2019 Convention
The FFAM Awards Committee is appreciative of everyone who submitted nominations to recognize FFAM members with 2019 awards from the Association. Each award was presented on Saturday, April 13, in Sedalia during the...
Auxiliary Meeting Minutes – MAY 2019
Meeting called to order by President Diane Hanes at 9:02 a.m. Colors were posted, and Pledge of Allegiance was said. Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FPD, read “I’m a Fireman’s Wife.”Introduction of Officers President...
The Flame Still Burns
By Sherry Hoover, Read at President Hoover’s Retirement Party March 16, 2019It only takes a spark to get a fire going as any fireman knows, But inside the heart of a fireman another flame does glow. It is the flame that...
History’s Corner – MAY 2019
I rely completely on my next-door neighbor to help me keep track of all the tools and equipment for firefighters that have passed into the history category. The reason for that is because every couple of weeks he...
A Message from the 2nd Vice President
Greetings, Spring has arrived! We are all now thinking about vacations, going fishing, visiting family and friends, having picnics, and of course the kids are itching to get out of school for the summer.The FFAM has...
News From District 7 – MAY 2019
Greetings and salutations from the east side of the state from District 7. How time is flying by. The convention is in the history books and I have to say kudos to the 2019 convention staff. This was a great convention...