
News From District 7 – MAY 2019

Greetings and salutations from the east side of the state from District 7. How time is flying by. The convention is in the history books and I have to say kudos to the 2019 convention staff. This was a great convention and thank you to each and every one that made this great convention happen. A big thank you to Chief Jeff Buford and crew for providing the shuttle service during the evenings of the convention. For the ones that didn’t attend, you missed out, but I hope that you plan to attend next year’s convention in Kearney, Missouri.

This was a special convention being the chairperson for the fire prevention poster contest. I’m proud to announce this year we added special needs students to the contest. So please encourage your school to enter all students from grades 1st through 6th. I want to send a special thanks to the ladies auxiliary for judging the works of art and making the final choices. We had a total of 12 districts/departments that entered. That was an increase of three. So again, I know it’s hard to get schools involved but encourage the schools to get into fire prevention and every district to enter posters. This year winners will be guests of the Missouri State Fair Fire Department where they will receive passes for them and their immediate family into the fair, a free pass to the Midway Carnival, receive their prize money and if they choose, join the firefighters for a meal. Again, congratulations to all the winners.

The N.F.P.A. will release this year’s theme around June 1, 2019. As soon as it’s released it will be placed on the website and published in the newsletter. As a friendly reminder please read the rules on the paper size and poster information for the back.

Speaking of the Missouri State Fair Fire Department, when you receive this newsletter the deadline for the applications will have closed. The work days have been set so check Facebook for the days. I hope to see all the veterans and many new faces. Just think every time you help with the state fair fire department you are making history because we are the only eleven day fire department in the nation. So be a part of the family and help serve the Firefighters Association of Missouri and the citizens and the state.

Spring weather can be very unpredictable. From rain, hail, wind, and tornadoes, severe weather can happen unexpectedly and it’s important to be prepared. Here are some safety reminders for those unexpected storms that can help keep you and your family safe:

Thunderstorms & Lightening
During thunderstorms remain indoors and do not take a shower, bath, or use plumbing because water can be a conduit for lightning. Also stay away from metal and do not use electrical appliances, which can cause electric shock if struck by lightning.

If you are outside, stay away from trees and seek shelter in a sturdy building.

If you are in your car, do not make contact with the metal outside.

If you plan on going back outside, wait at least 30 minutes from the last rumble before returning.

Hail Storms
During a hail storm, some storms can produce hail the size of baseballs. Be sure to protect your head with your hands as you seek shelter and stay away from windows.

Remember to put your vehicle in a garage if possible and bring all pets inside.

If you are traveling in your car, try to seek shelter before the hail starts as it can break through glass.

During a tornado, pick a safe room with no windows on the lowest floor of your home. If no room is available, move to the closest interior hallway.

Cover yourself with blankets, pillows or a mattress to protect yourself from falling debris.

If you’re outside, get to the nearest shelter possible. If you’re unable to find shelter, look for low ground and lay on your stomach with your hands covering your head, protecting yourself from falling debris.

Do not go under an underpass or bridge as those can have a wind-tunnel effect.

Flash Floods
During flash floods, try to avoid being outside at all costs. Floods happen quickly and can occur anywhere.

If you are driving, do not attempt to drive through a flooded area. It only takes a couple feet of water to flood your car. If your car stalls, abandon it and find higher ground.

Move hazardous materials such as paint and oil to a higher location so it cannot contaminate the water during a flood.

You never know when the next storm will hit, but it’s important to be aware of tips to help prepare for them. Have other safety reminders to help prepare for severe weather?