
News From District 3 – 05-2018

So much has already happened in 2018, but we still have lots left to do. The 2018 convention has already happened and a big thank you for all who worked to make it happen. Also, congratulations to all the winners of the contest and everyone that came to support their team. Don’t forget that in May, we have the 2018 Fallen Fire Fighters Memorial Services. Saturday night will be the Candlelight Service and Sunday morning is the full service. They both are very special and make you want to keep going back each year.

The second big event for FFAM is the Missouri State Fair in August. This is a time to be part of the only eleven day fire department in our nation. By the time you get this, the deadline for workers will have passed but you can still come and visit the fire department at the fair. That is a good way to see if working in 2019 at the fair is for you. Talk to anyone that has worked there and find out how great it is.

During all the FFAM activities going on, we know how busy you can be at your local department. It makes for a very busy lifestyle. Be safe and enjoy the summer.