Your memorial foundation has not been able to meet since the last article was presented in the September-October newsletter. We do not have a mounting list of things to do, but we are faced with some process questions which have been hanging for a time in hopes of a greater understanding being revealed to assist in current and future process management. A lot of this has been routed to Brian Zinanni for additional research and guidance including the time to do so. We should have a way forward on some of this by the next newsletter.
Next is the ongoing theme of cancer presumption. While becoming better recognized as the most serious challenge to the fire service in generations, it continues revealing new previously unknown issues while adding numerous political challenges in charting a logical and at times compassionate management process. The old saying, “you can not put a price on human life,” seems void with most politicians, and questions requiring how much it is going to cost occur before acknowledgement that there is a problem. This is followed by, “we need more scientific data.” More has been accomplished in the past two years on this topic and awareness than any single thing in the history of the fire service. Yet we also have to acknowledge, if only we had known 20-30 years ago. Leaving us with, should have, could have, would have. That said we must move forward and curve the trend. The NVFC has set up a cancer focus within the Health and Safety Committee. Remember to always indicate you are a firefighter when you visit your healthcare professional.
The 2017 Memorial Services DVD are for sale on a single disc which has the Saturday night candlelight and Sunday morning programs. If you are not able to attend a FFAM event where we can hand you a copy for $10, please contact me and I can mail a copy for $12. Keith Smith, 20309 Cedar Court, Warrenton, MO, 63383 or call 314-709-0760.