Believe it or not the awards committee is already asking for nominations for the annual awards scheduled to be presented at the 2018 FFAM Convention in Chillicothe. The various award categories and nomination criteria are available on the FFAM website and can be submitted at any time up to the February 28, 2018, deadline. When you identify someone worthy of nomination it is often best to submit that nomination as soon as possible so the busy schedules we all keep don’t force you to try to remember a “last minute” nomination.
Many of our members are worthy of nomination for the various awards, but without your help with submitting a nomination, the awards committee has no way of knowing who they are. Don’t sit back and make the presumption someone else will make a nomination as they may be operating on the belief you are submitting the required documentation. Take a step towards recognizing a worthy member of our organization and make a nomination today!
Forms Available Online: