Wow, what a wonderful convention we just attended. Sedalia Sate Fair Fire Department did a great job of hosting the convention. The weather was not bad, a little chilly but nothing to stop a few firefighters. The contest games were furious again this year. Old friends had a chance to catch up and new friends were made along the way. How about our guest speaker, Dan Meers, “KC Wolf,” the Chiefs’ mascot on Saturday night? He is so inspirational, everyone enjoyed listening to his message.
The Auxiliary would like to thank everyone for the awesome support we had all weekend. Thank you to everyone who brought in items for our silent auction and alcohol for the booze raffle. There were so many great items for this years silent auction. A corn-hole game made and donated by a firefighter from Little Dixie FPD, two tables made and donated by FFA Chaper in Paris, a Branson getaway basket from Southern Stone, a fire truck decorated and donated by Galt, home decor items, and so many other great items the list goes on and on. I last heard we made close to $2,200 from the silent auction. We also made about $550 from the items we had for sale such as the jewelry, auxiliary T-shirts and more. We raised aver $500 from the booze tub raffle. Everyone dug deep again this year to help the Auxiliary raise money. Which we will later decide who will receive a donation(s) to assist with fire related services. If you know of a deserving organization please let us know. Again thank you to everyone, we could not do it without each of you.
It is with great pleasure to report we had six new members from five new departments that joined the auxiliary at this years convention. We now have 121 paid auxiliary members from twenty-six departments. Welcome to our newest members and please feel free to call on any of the existing members if you need anything.
We invite you to check out our new Facebook page. It is Firefighter Association of Missouri-Ladies Auxiliary. New posts have been added from the convention. We want to hear from you. We also encourage you to utilize the FFAM website, it offers so much. Check it out to see what is going on and find more information about the Auxiliary.
Holt Summit Auxiliary is hosting an Auxiliary 101 event on June 3, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at 557 South Summit Drive, in Holt Summit. The purpose of the event is to network, educate about auxiliaries, how to assist firefighters, assistance at fires, a guest speaker, and so much more. Please register with Amy Knoll by May 26, at 573-896-4589. Lunch will be provided.
We are so proud of Jessica Miller for winning the Spouse of the Year Award. Jessica has been an active member with the FFAM since 2004 and became an auxiliary member in 2010. She currently holds the office of 1st Vice President, and also served four years as Sargent At Arms. She is the president of her local auxiliary, a licensed medical first responder playing a huge roll in her department, community and county. Jessica is a Sunday school teacher, serves as the secretary for the local road district and is the treasurer of the Band Booster Club. She is happily married to her husband Ryan and has two beautiful sons. Jessica is someone you always count on, she is a great mentor and contributes so much of herself to others. You can watch the video of her receiving her award on the Auxiliary Facebook page. Congratulations Jessica you are so deserving of this award.
Again thank you to everyone who has contributed to our Auxiliary with your time, donations and ideas. We are working hard to be there for you.