Prior to the meetings, members participated in a group prayer for Cindy Gott a member of the Galt Fire Department, who passed away this morning. Our prayers and sympathy go out to her family and the Galt Fire Department.
Meeting called to order by President Diane Hanes at 9:04 a.m.
Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Chris Slaughter, Warrenton FPD; Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FPD; Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD; Joyce Thompson, Kearney Fire; Kerrie Mattox, North Central Carroll Fire; Barb Mattox, North Central Fire; Joni Fields, Paris FD; Angela Fields, Paris FD.
Committee Reports
Discussed meeting notes from December, no changes or additions. Theresa made a motion to accept the meeting notes, Joni seconded the motion, passed.
Financial report indicated we have a balance of $3,680.71. Jessica made a motion to accept the financial report, Chris seconded, motion passed. Our account had been transferred to a bank in Jefferson City for Sheri, the Treasurer to handle. The Financial Audit was not able to be conducted today, this will be completed on Friday April 21st at convention.
Dues have been collected for over 100 members as of today. Send membership dues to Theresa Cox.
Sheri and Chris will sell our items at Winter Fire School. Sheri and Theresa will take inventory of items left and replenish stock for convention. Discussed we will order T-shirts, with the Auxiliary logo, to have for sale at convention. Shirts to be blue with white print.
Auxiliary Member of the Year
Chris to follow up with Jenny from Warrenton.
Galt Fire Auxiliary will judge posters again this year.
There is no parade this year, vendors will be available all day Saturday only. Jessica will order table cloths and LED lights. Joni shared examples of the centerpieces.
is May 20th and 21st at Kingdom City. Galt is preparing about 400 ribbons.
Need to have applications in Wednesday April 19th prior to convention contest.
bring last two years scrapbooks to convention. Discussed the need for a place to maintain (house) all of the history books and items each officer or members have for the Auxiliary.
By Laws
No updates at this time but changes are needed on some items. To be tabled till after convention.
New Business
Several items need to be updated on the FFAM WEB site. Such as officers photo, officers positions and contact information, etc. Changes need to be sent to Jamie Miller.
Joni made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Missy, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:06 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox,
Wentzville Fire Protection District
2nd Vice President