President Kenneth Hoover called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri to order at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, December 1, 2013 at the National Guard classroom, Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia, Missouri.
Roll Call of Board of Directors:
Officers: President, Kenneth Hoover – Little Dixie FPD; Second Vice President, Charlie Neubert – Highlandville Rural FPD; Secretary Treasurer, Jaime Miller – Johnson County FPD; Past President, Keith Smith – Warrenton FPD; Historian, Kay Asher – Wentzville FPD.
Board of Directors: District 1, Terry Wynne – Galt FPD; District 2, Greg Wright – Shelbina FD; District 3, Larry Jones – Madison West Monroe FPD; District 4, Joe Vaughn – Pleasant Hill FPD; District 7, RB Brown – Eureka FD; District 11, Monty Thompson – Kearney FPD; District 14, Rick Dozier – Southern FPD.
Assistant Directors: District 1, Janet Cain – Braymer FR; District 3, Rob Erdle – Little Dixie FPD; District 6, Gary Berendzen – Cole County FPD; District 10, Greg Brown – Eureka FPD; District 11, Ryan Miller – Norborne FPD; District 14, Glenn Dittmar – South Central Buchanan County FD.
Guests: David Hedrick, Gail Hagans – MU FRTI; Randy Cole – DFS; Larry Jennings, Joe Jennings, Larry Eggen – Johnson County FPD; Donald Vaucher, Harriett Vaucher – Eureka FPD; Steve Gentry – Little Dixie FPD; Cy Fields – Paris Rural FPD; Joyce Thompson – Kearney FPD; Grant Oetting – Higginsville FD; Rob Schrage – Jefferson R7 FPD; Dale Arnold – Central Jackson County FPD.
Agenda: President Hoover asked for additions to the agenda. Rick Dozier moved to accept the agenda as presented. Larry Jones seconded the motion and all approved.
Minutes: President Hoover asked for corrections or additions to the October 6, 2013 board meeting minutes. Charlie Neubert moved to accept the minutes as presented. Greg Wright seconded the motion and all approved.
Financial Report: President Hoover asked for a review of the October/November 2013 financial reports. Terry Wynne moved to accept the financial reports as presented. Charlie Neubert seconded the motion and all approved.
Report of Officers and Special Guest(s): David Hedrick with MU FRTI reported that there are currently 346 classes scheduled for the upcoming year and over 52,000 student hours were taught last fiscal year. Contact your regional coordinator to schedule a class.
Fire Service Leadership Enhancement starts in January. Space is still available.
February 7-9, 2014 is Winter Fire School. Information is available online and brochures will be out next week. The Expo is February 7 and there are also three webcasts available.
Thanks was given to the FFAM for another year of support to MU FRTI.
Fire Marshal Randy Cole with Division of Fire Safety reported that the Governor is withholding funds for new vehicles for the Division and a new training position.
The recent burn ban legislation will have revisions during the next session and new legislation regarding sprinkler contractor licensing will also be up for discussion.
There are currently two fire inspector and one fire investigator positions open within the Division and there are two new employees in the training unit.
December 6 is the 25th anniversary of the explosion that killed six Kansas City FD firefighters.
December 6 is the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) deadline.
Missouri has applied to participate in Fire Line which will address recruitment of volunteers and problems due to workers compensation issues. This National effort is designed to educate, promote and advertise the need for volunteer firefighters throughout our communities. To facilitate the effort, the Division is utilizing an existing toll-free telephone number which provides the public with a means to inquire and learn about Missouri’s volunteer fire service, as well as how to identify and contact their local volunteer fire department.
Cole advised he and Larry Boyle with the Missouri Association of Fire Protection Districts have been working with the Division of Insurance on options to reduce premiums and trying to educate fire departments on what to do with the rising cost of insurance. A special group is still researching issues on how to address the rising costs since volunteers are considered a high risk group. Workers compensation is a state issue. There are no federal laws regulating it.
Correspondence: Secretary Miller reported that a thank you card was received from Sara Darr, daughter of fallen Chillicothe Firefighter Joseph Darr thanking the FFAM for the benevolence check and support during her loss.
Unfinished Business: Chief Jennings reported that no new information has been received regarding the grant.
New Business: Discussion was held on the 2014 proposed budget. Charlie Neubert made a motion to accept the 2014 proposed budget. Monty Thompson seconded the motion and all approved.
Committee Reports:
Awards Committee: Rob Schrage reported that the awards forms are available on the website and will be in the next newsletter. The deadline is February 28.
Budget Committee: No report.
Bylaws Committee: No report.
Chaplain Committee: No report.
Contest Committee: No report.
Convention Committee: Rob Schrage reported that information regarding the 2014 convention is available on the website and in the newsletter. 686 have registered so far. Larry Jones reported that Osage Beach Fire Protection District has submitted a proposal to the committee to host the 2015 convention. Kay Asher moved that Osage Beach Fire Protection District host the 2015 convention pending delegate approval at the 2014 convention. Greg Wright seconded the motion and all approved.
Education Committee: Rick Dozier reported that a Board of Directors class will be held at convention.
Fire Prevention Committee: RB Brown reported that he has received lots of contact regarding the poster contest. The deadline for posters is the Friday night of convention.
Legislative Committee: Greg Brown reported that the Fire Service Alliance met two weeks ago. They are working on 911 legislation, additional funding for firefighter training, community paramedic language and the 2019 sunset on sprinkler legislation. The next session starts in January.
Membership Committee: Charlie Neubert reported that Secretary Miller is currently processing 2014 memberships. The company that was working on the proposal for a retirement plan for members had some issues regarding a plan for volunteers and is no longer working on the proposal.
Nomination Committee: No report.
NVFC Committee: Keith Smith reported the NVFC is now refocusing efforts on helping with the recruitment and retention of volunteers.
NVFC is researching issues regarding language in the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act that would classify volunteers as employees of their respective departments and how to address issues pertaining to the new act.
AFG and SAFER grants will be cut next year. There is a $25K quick grant process available aimed at smaller departments but no new information is available at this time.
There is a $250 Disaster Relief fund available for members of NVFC for personal expenses during the event of a disaster however, the funds are very low at this time.
Scholarship Committee: Grant Oetting reported that with approval of the 2014 budget comes two $500 Continuing Education Scholarships for FFAM members. Information will be available in the newsletter and on the website.
State Fair Committee: Monty Thompson reported that the 2014 Missouri State Fair is August 7-17. He has started receiving fair applications.
Website Committee: Secretary Miller reported that the new website is up and can be viewed at
Newsletter: The deadline for the next newsletter is January 1.
Historian report: Kay Asher reported that she has is going to be purchasing a large file cabinet for storage.
Foundation report: Keith Smith reported that the next Foundation meeting will be December 15 in Kingdom City.
Dr. Baker has acquired a fire truck that will be used for advertising and signage by the Memorial.
The firefighter statue donated by the FFAM raised $140 at the NVFC auction.
December 31 will be the cut-off for previous year’s deaths to be recognized at the 2014 memorial. Any deaths after January 1 will be recognized in 2015. Volunteers are needed to assist with the two services in May. Contact him if interested. They are still looking for honor guards and ladder trucks to participate in the memorial.
VFIS donated $1500 to the Memorial. A check was presented to Keith Smith.
Harriett Vaucher reported there will be a Mystery Dinner fundraiser in St. Peters on February 15. Contact her for tickets. They are collecting items for goody bags to be handed out during the
2014 National Fallen Firefighters Survivors Conference in Clayton, MO May 4-9. Patches and donations are still being accepted for the “Help Patch A Broken Heart” quilt campaign. Firefighter necklaces and bracelets are available for purchase as a fundraiser for the event. Contact her if interested.
The next meeting will be held at the Best Western Hotel in Festus, MO on February 2, 2014.
Rick Dozier moved to adjourn the meeting. Charlie Neubert seconded the motion. President Hoover adjourned the meeting at 10:25 a.m.
Jaime Miller, Secretary
Fire Fighters Association of Missouri