
Wrapped Up | From the Pen of the Chief

Hello from the Missouri State Fair Volunteer Fire Department Fire Chief. I hope everyone has gotten a breather now that mother nature has graced us with some much-needed rain. My thoughts and prayers to the residents and first responders of the village of Wooldridge and all the mutual aid units for the job you did. My hat is off to everyone that helped.

The 2022 Missouri State Fair Volunteer Fire Department is in the history books. We had a great fair with many new faces which I hope will tell others to come for the 2023 state fair which is August 10-20. As of this article, we have 287 days until we are doing it again. 

To the members that answered the survey, thank you for the feedback. The administration and command staff will use your feedback to make next year better. I know we had a few situations with applications and getting notifications back to the members and that process is in motion to improve.

At this year’s fair, Fire and EMS ran 130 calls and First Aid saw 40 patients that required treatment. This year’s crew’s man-hours included Command 1320, Dispatch 528, EMS 2640, Fire 6336, First Aid 264, Inspections 396, Kitchen 528, and Public Relations 396. Total man hours were 12,408. Thank you to everyone that helped make the 2022 Missouri State Fair Volunteer Fire Department function. Without you, it wouldn’t happen. To all the departments and districts that loaned their equipment, to the businesses that donated products, and to the people that made the donations from the business happen, thank you.

The Missouri State Fair Volunteer Fire Department Commissioners appointed Robert Brown as the Fire Chief and Kegan Wilson as the Assistant Fire Chief for 2023. For further information, check the Facebook page for upcoming events, meetings, or gatherings.

In closing, I want to express my gratitude for serving as the Missouri State Fair Volunteer Fire Department Fire Chief. I hope everyone will have the most blessed holiday and get time to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with family and friends. And that the new year will be better than the last.