Hello from the east side of the state and District 7. I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer despite what mother nature passed our way. Speaking of summer, it is almost coming to an end. The 2019 Missouri State Fair is...
Archive - September 2019
State Fair Volunteer Fire Department Awards
The Missouri State Fair Fire Department wants to say a big thank you to all who came to work and support the operations of the 2019 Missouri State Fair. We averaged over 60 personnel a day for a total of 683 for the 11...
Cancer Support Network
Are you tracking your fire exposures? One of the most important, yet most overlooked aspects of a Cancer prevention program, is the tracking of your career fire exposures. Throughout the course of their career...
A Message from the 2nd Vice President – September 2019
Greetings FFAM membership. Whoa, where did the summer go? When you’re reading this article school will be already back in session, fall will be upon us, farmers will be in the field shortly with the harvest, pumpkin...
Auxiliary By-Law Changes
The following are the proposed changes to the FFAM Auxiliary ByLaws.ARTICLE I NAMEThe name of this organization shall be the Auxiliary to the Fire Fighters Association of Missouri, hereinafter referred to as the...
A Message from the 1st Vice President – September 2019
I hope everyone’s summer has gone well and you had the opportunity to get those things done you wanted and maybe even carved out a little time to rest and relax. For those of you that represented the FFAM by working at...
Museum Update and News – September 2019
The saying from the movie Field of Dreams, “Build it and they will come,” was mentioned more than once as we planned for a phased museum project and raising the funds for the interior finish. An encouraging development...