Greetings from your contest committee and welcome to the new year. As we look into 2019 and start planning don’t forget the annual FFAM convention and firefighter challenge. The dates this year are April 12-14, 2019. The firefighter challenge will be on Saturday morning. We invite you to come out and compete!
There are three divisions to play in; firefighter, female and junior firefighter. If your department can’t field a team by itself, the rules allow you to piece teams together with other departments. All contestants must be current FFAM or Auxiliary members. If you have questions the rules and contest layouts are on the FFAM website under the contest tab. Also you can contact any committee member and we will be glad to answer or assist in any way. Their contact info is also on FFAM website.
The schedule this year is like normal. Contest grounds will be set up Friday morning around 9:00 a.m. The challenge will start Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. If you would like to help at either of these times we would be glad to have you and we will have a job for you. Location will be at the parking lot West of the armory on the Missouri State Fairgrounds.
I extend a special invite to board members to come out and assist at the challenge on Saturday. It takes several people to judge, time and run the contest. Please come out and help the committee and cheer on the teams. For those of you that help in special tasks I will be contacting at a later date to confirm your participation.