As Fire Marshal Tim Bean discussed during the Sunday board meeting at convention and again at the June directors meeting there is a conversation underway on a minimum training standard. NVFC is also taking up that...
Archive - July 2017
Western Taney County Fire District Tankers
The Western Taney County Fire District received two 1,800 gallon tankers for the stations Hollister and Rockaway Beach. The Freightliner chassis have Rosenbauer aluminum bodies with 1,500 GPM Darley midship pumps in...
Warrensburg Fire Department Promotions
The Warrensburg Fire Department is pleased to announce the recent promotion of three part-time firefighters to full-time firefighter positions. These promotions took place to fill three vacancies.
Douglas County Awarded AFG Grant
The Douglas County Missouri Fire Chief’s Association is pleased to announce that they have been awarded a regional Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) for $230,477 to be used for personal protective equipment (PPE)...
Waldorf University Awards Scholarship To Monett Fire
Shane Anderson, a fire officer with the Monett Fire Department in Monett, Missouri, was recently awarded the Waldorf University Learning Partner Scholarship. Waldorf partners with the Fire Fighters Association of...
Osage River Mile Markers Installed
Recently the Linn Fire Protection District started marking the Osage River with mile markers. They have installed mile markers on the first thirty miles starting at the mouth of the Osage River where it flows into the...
Auxiliary Minutes – July 2017
FFAM Auxiliary Meeting, Sedalia, Missouri, June 4, 2017 Meeting called to order by President Diane Hanes at 8:58 a.m. Introduction of Officers President Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Sheri...
A Message From The 2nd Vice President
Greetings FFAM membership. Since our last newsletter Missouri has been a busy state with record amount of rainfall weather related calls, water rescues, and even tornados keeping our fire departments, EMS agencies and...