As committee chair I would like to recognize and thank the committee members for the work they do. Your committee members are Terry Wynne, Galt; Glenn Dittmar, Agency; Rob Erdel, Mexico; and new to the committee in 2015 are Gary Berendzen, Jefferson City and Jessica Miller, Norbourne.
The committee works hard to make contest morning participation a great time. We encourage everyone to come and enjoy the morning. We also ask all board members to come and help judge and cheer on teams from their areas. The committee hopes to instill brotherhood, camaraderie and yes a little bit of competition in the participants.
A rule change is being implemented in 2017. Registration deadline is moving to 7:00 p.m. the Wednesday prior to convention. This will streamline the process of checking teams on eligibility and give the committee time to resolve issues. As stated on registration forms, please send to the address or email listed on the forms. We are also going to use a different scoring format in hopes to clear up score tallying. We are going to use 5-10-15 as points instead of the current 1-2-3.
I’m sure as you get this newsletter most are thinking about contest, rounding up teams and beginning to practice. Please be safe, remember sportsmanship and we will see you in Sedalia in April. Good Luck Teams.