
Marthasville FPD Safety Rodeo

The Marthasville Fire Protection District (MFPD) held its second annual Safety Rodeo on Tuesday, August 6. Nearly 50 teachers and staff from four schools attended the event. Schools represented include All Encompassing Education, Marthasville Elementary, St. Ignatius Catholic School and St. Vincent Catholic School. Fifteen MFPD members served as instructors and support for the free event. Six training stops were provided; Hands-Only CPR, Stop the Bleed, Medical Emergencies, Dispatch Operations, Use of Fire Extinguishers and Services of the Warren County Health Department. Also supporting the event were Glenda Eichmeyer of Mid-Missouri Search Dogs, David Reagan with SERVPRO Warren/Lincoln County, and Loren and Abby Wilson with Mad Moose Barbeque.

Photos by Cindy Gladden, PIO Marthasville Fire Protection District.