Hello from District 9 as your new Director. I want to take a few minutes to let all the FFAM members in the District know that Kurt Wilbanks retired from West Plains Fire Department and I was asked to fill his position as the Director. Chris Sterner, Fire Chief, newly appointed, is the Assistant Director for our region as well. I look forward to getting out to the district to visit with all the Chief’s groups in the district. I would like to ask that you please inform me of when and where your upcoming meetings will be held and I will make every effort to be in attendance.
One of the tasks of the director and assistant director is to inform departments of upcoming and important information that would benefit their organizations. Also, we will be trying to recruit new departments to the FFAM and provide information on the importance of belonging to such a great organization.
As fall is fast approaching, there is an event that has been a long time coming. September 28, around 4:00 pm, Skyline Fire Department is opening their new station. I know that they are excited to finally be able to have this project completed.
I am including my contact information for your department and look forward to hearing from you. You can reach me at 417-280-7055 or marnold4202@gmail.com.
Stay safe out there.