
President’s Remarks – July 2024

I  hope you are each having a great summer and have carved out at least a little time to spend with your family and friends and perhaps take at least a quick break from work and your normal hectic schedules. I have been surprised by the amount of rain we have gotten in many areas of the state after suffering through the dry spell the last couple of years in most areas. It is always good to see the crops flourishing and ponds full of water for the livestock.

I missed seeing those of you who were in attendance at the convention this year. As they say, timing is everything and unfortunately, my timing was off and I was not able to attend this year. I understand it went well overall and I appreciate all the hard work that went towards making it a successful event. Thank you First Vice President Peel for standing in for me at the annual business meeting and thank you to each of you who took the time Sunday morning to attend the meeting and help shape the course of FFAM.

State Fair is just around the corner and I hope to see many of you either working at or at least stopping by the fire station for a visit. Applications to work the fair were plentiful and making the needed cuts to meet the staffing needs is always a tough process for the Fair Committee and department leadership. If you didn’t get selected this year, remember to submit again next year and hopefully, you too will get to have this unique experience protecting the visitors, employees, buildings and grounds of the Missouri State Fair.

As you no doubt have noticed by the signs now dotting the roadsides and the beginning of commercials and unsolicited social media contacts this is a political year not only in the State, but on a national level. We are not going to debate politics here, but I want each of you to be aware of the significant impact your interest in what is taking place has and the importance of developing some level of a relationship with our elected or hopeful elected officials. Many of those who represent us on the state and national level do turn to the “subject matter expert” when making decisions. YOU are the “subject matter expert” when it comes to all things fire service related. So reach out to those who represent you or those who want to represent you and help provide guidance as they move forward with their job duties.

Don’t forget training is available from many sources in our state. Some of the training can even be secured at no or nominal costs, but you must request the training to make it happen. If you are requesting or registering for training through the State Fire Marshal’s office remember to use the Acadis Portal. If you are not familiar with that process contact their office and I am sure they would be happy to assist so valuable training can be made available throughout the state. We have been fortunate to have training funded so let’s make sure we show the need continues to exist and that we are taking advantage of what is being provided.

Make sure you have your calendars marked for the upcoming memorial ceremonies October 5th and 6th. The Memorial Foundation members are working hard to make sure those members of the Missouri Fire Service who have passed on are included in the memorial recognition. More information will follow in the months to come, but get it on your calendar now so you reserve that weekend to honor those deserving personnel.

Keep yourself hydrated this summer and take care of yourselves and your fellow personnel as our temperatures rise and the demand for service in the heat does not lessen. If the Board or I can be of assistance please never hesitate to contact us. Be Safe!